Reviews for Dream League Radiant
JOHNHAMMOND1993 chapter 5 . 7/18/2019
Happy belated 64th birthday Disneyland!
Thanks for answering my enquiries, that explains while you did not describe the color of Scrooge's coat! Although, it's hard to pick which voice to use for Scrooge...
Here are some more questions.
1. Will you be incorporating traits of versions for characters who have two voice actors (I.E. Glomgold, Magica Despell, Don Karnage)
2. Are there any plans to make arc's or scenario's based on the following attractions, Thunder Mountain, Phantom Manor, Journey to the Center of the Earth, 20000 Leagues, Journey into Imagination? Or the following movies. Up, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Tomorrowland.
Hope you don't get caught by a Recognizer! ;)
Remember, "Adventure is out There!"
JOHNHAMMOND1993 chapter 4 . 7/8/2019
Nice to hear Alice's thoughts, I actually sympathize with her because I too have been subjected to ridicule in the classroom for a stupid petty reason.
Nice touch making Genie the DJ!
I have a few questions,
1. Is Scrooge the original Alan Young version or the David Tennant version? Also, is Genie the Robin Williams Version?
2. Are those two boys who commented on Alice important to the story, or are they just background characters.
3. Is your profile pic Ariel as La Sirenetta?
"Believe in the Users" and "Adventure is out there"
JOHNHAMMOND1993 chapter 3 . 7/6/2019
I read your announcement on your profile, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I made the mistake of posting without looking at your profile first. Sorry.
JOHNHAMMOND1993 chapter 4 . 3/24/2019
Upset that this had to happen, but I understand your reasons, I hope you can resume this someday.
JOHNHAMMOND1993 chapter 3 . 1/20/2019
So, it seems that Alice has an emotional problem. But it also appears that she is good with dealing with it.
Out of curiosity, did she get her abilities from a glowing mushroom, like in Ultimate, or her origin different?
Nice touch with the Sandwich joke! I almost lost it!
Also, Awesome Detail with the Chapter Title being part of Walt's dedication of Disneyland!
"Believe in the Users" and "Adventure is out there!"
MagicEmperor chapter 2 . 12/26/2018
JOHNHAMMOND1993 Believe in the Users. Happy new year to you, as well!
Normally I would make a quick response via the author's note method, as you suggested before, but I would like to answer your particular questions in this area.
1. Generally, the answer is, Yes, there will be pairings. As for Alice/Dreamchild specifically, something might happen to her along the way, but it's definitely... well, along the way. I do have ideas, but some of those ideas won't happen for this story arc.
2. Oh, yeah! Grandmum Catherine and Ms. Oiseau are OCs, but they're really exclusive to Alice's backstory, which will gradually unfold over time. This IS a Disney fic, though; with the exceptions of Wonderboy, Maui Mallard/Cold Shadow, and Bert, the original main characters are returning.
3. Great question! The Dream League lives in the Duckburg-Epcot City-St. Canard area of the State of Calisota, USA (particularly Epcot City), but they'll definitely travel to further distances, across the globe, as this series progresses. As a matter of fact, there are planned stories just waiting for their turns, about long-distance travel, as well as a carnival/amusement park story. We'll see how that goes.

Okay! Very quickfire trivia.
-I have to stress this: Wonderboy and a few other characters from "Ultimate" are no longer featured. Sorry.
-Alice's surname used to be Liddell, if I recall correctly. It has changed to Burroughs.
-I think "Radiant" will be lighter and looser overall, though there will still be drama.
-I used to write long-form chapters, but now I'm using an approach that's more drip-feed. This will definitely help with writing, uploading, and dealing with my mood (which is directly connected to my muse, sometimes).
-Tease: The core team members from "Ultimate" are returning, aside from Herc, but there will be one brand-new teammate that's never been featured in any incarnation of the Dream League-even the original RP forum.

Love how you end every post with "Adventure is out there!", by the way. "Up" is one of my all-time favorites.
JOHNHAMMOND1993 chapter 2 . 12/26/2018
Hey "USER" ;) Nice to see you back!
So this was a flashback chapter show Alice/Dreamchild and her grandma! Nice touch.
I do have a few questions,
1. Will there be pairings, because in Ultimate there was the attraction between Hercules and Aurora, but in this story will there be a pairing for Dreamchild. She is my favorite character in this series.
2. Will other Disney characters be appearing in this story?
3. Will they be traveling to other locations outside of Duckburg? Perhaps a theme park ;)
Remember, "Adventure is out there!"
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
MagicEmperor chapter 1 . 12/26/2018
Greetings, programs! This is a message to anyone who had enjoyed the canceled "Ultimate Dream League" and waited for this reboot, "Dream League Radiant." Let me start by saying, I wouldn't blame you if you've given up and moved on, 'cause I sure have taken my sweet-lumps time. I have no excuses. I do have reasons for the radio silence, but I know this isn't how I should have handled things, so I'm very sorry.

I've had a year that can only be described as crazy. I don't want to reveal personal information, but the irony is everything that prevented me from focussing on Dream League is super personal. I've been pushed to my limit, sometimes beyond, and I've had a mild breakdown because of it. My personal life has been a rollercoaster, from a family crisis to holding a job, from university and graduating from it to... well, you get the idea. Again, I'm not excusing myself-I could and should have come out with this way sooner and say, "Hey, I need to take a hiatus, later!" I didn't, though, so that's why I can only apologize. To anyone who waited for this and had supported me before, I'm absolutely grateful, which is why I'm criticizing myself for treating y'all the way that I did.

Anyway! I must remind any longtime reader that this is a REBOOT. "Ultimate" Dream League no longer exists, but "Radiant" does. Emma and Collin, who were primary contributors and collaborators, have all went separate ways, so characters from them both are cut. This is one of the biggest reasons why a reboot had to happen. Bye, Wonderboy and Bert...

My life, while still not perfect, has finally simmered down enough for me to focus on "Radiant." One reason for the big delay was that I had a terrible fear of failing, as well as a fear of having inconsistently-lengthed chapters. I've thwarted both fears by finally saying, "Each chapter will be as long or short as necessary, and better to burn in the beautiful flames of failure than to never try!" Huzzah!

Well, that's about it. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and dream on!