Reviews for Worship
StarlingChild4 chapter 1 . 11/3/2019
I really do need to read (and write!) more MirSan smut... This was so sensual and romantic! I loved how steamy it got, despite them not actually having sex, but rather focusing on worshiping each other's bodies through foreplay. It's different, and in all the right ways ;) Beautifully written!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/23/2019
This was so well written to their dynamic! So sweet yet hot as hell! This is exactly how I picture their happy lil life together. Well done ️
PurdyBaby chapter 1 . 1/13/2019
Excellent work!
Alannada chapter 1 . 1/2/2019
I like the thinking - you;re already pregnant, you can't get pregnantier :D
Nice one
AM78 chapter 1 . 1/1/2019
Wow, what excellent work. I can tell you put a lot of effort into this one.

I like how you started by having Sango recall using Inuyasha as a walking ultra-sound machine :) Ah, having a demon friend with heightened senses really does have a lot of advantages. I also liked her joke about "I didn't mean all at once". Sounds like something she really would say.

Early on I was thinking Sango's thoughts on the matter were a bit too joyful without considering the serious health risks giving birth to twins in the 16th century would involve, but then you did bring those up later, so good job covering that base. That's the kind of thing most people would ignore for the sake of keeping a lemon story positive, and it was nice to see you didn't.

I also liked the reference to prior incidents where Sango is pondering when she conceived. Sounds like there is a lot of story potential in those, so I hope you consider writing about them as well.

And of course, there was the excellent intimate scenes, which were tasteful, highly detailed, and totally consistent with how I would expect both characters to act.

Not much else I can think of to say on this one. Just that I think it's easily your best story in quite some time.