Reviews for The Aleena Chronicles
OHShik chapter 1 . 6/16
Hope you continue with this story. Its been a great story to read so far.
brmngirl chapter 9 . 12/29/2019
Great chapter. I see she has her dads trait when he was 10 and pulling his ear when nervous. Lol. Can't wait til the next update.
All.The.Stories.Are.True.24601 chapter 9 . 12/29/2019
Wonderful! Loving the move to Torchwood! Poor Alerna!
bored411 chapter 9 . 12/28/2019
I feel so bad for her! It’s gotta suck having people treat you like that and then having no one you can trust to be yourself around. Hope things pick up for her soon. Eager for her to meet the Doctor and travel around with him.
Alex Cassandra Black chapter 8 . 9/9/2019
I wasn't trying to sound like I dislike SJA, in fact I like when Doctor Who fanfiction brings aspects from the spin-off series, it shows they know about it. So, continue with how you have it, I have no problems. Ooh, does this mean you'll use some Torchwood episodes?
Love the chapter as always.
N7SpaceHamster chapter 8 . 8/11/2019
Yay another chapter! Always glad to see you too! Na, don’t worry about me - have no plans to go anywhere! Still just might take a chunk of time to review, life has started to be pretty busy lately - I’m starting to get more responsibilities at work, annnnd I got married recently (!), so lots of things have happened/are happening haha. But I’ll continue to read this story as long as you’ll write it! Wow! That’s and awesome job! Wish there were more folks like you out there - you’re doing good work! :)

You know, I just realized how much Luke and Aleena have in common. Both non-human, trying to act human, crazy smart, just wants to help folks, etc like they both also had trouble at school :( Ha! Nice trick, Aleena ;) Kind of reminds me of Eleven - if you’ve seen the show Stranger Things. Oh man Aleena, your 60s/70s is showing haha I wonder if she knows it’s outdated or if she just liked the slang so much she kept it no matter where she is haha

Ha! Nice work Aleena - I liked her approach to the problem, literally just jump right in and wreak havoc but still stay semi-incognito. Hidden in plain sight. Probably because no one would suspect a teenager would be up to something.

Rose Tyler! Dang, she has been super busy! You weren’t kidding when you said she aged decades. I like the hint at what she’s been doing since then. Plus various adventures I’d assume, but she must have traveled quite a bit of the world - or has she been to another planet already? Wonder what she was doing in the 60s/70s (assuming she’s been there!)

Ha! I’m really liking Aleena! ‘Run, dummy’ was a nice throwback to what the Doctor first said to Rose, but more her style. And the girlfriend comment, ! Aleena using some of her superpowers! But I thought she would never use them again? ;)

Oooo the Slitheen! Haven’t seen those in awhile - with the new Doctor Who would bring back some ‘older’ aliens - it doesn’t always have been be new ones.

Dang, Sarah Jane is grilling her - though with good reason, totally understandable for her to be suspicious. Whoa, so Torchwood and Aleena have crossed paths?! She didn’t deny it - oh man, what did she do?! Hopefully met up with Jack? I’m assuming he’s at Torchwood around this time.

I like how Aleena is taking control - but also making mistakes. Make her more human, more relatable but still with that side of Doctor/Wanda. Oooo interesting watch! Definitely sounds Time Lord-esque. Wonder where she got it…

Okay, I have the feeling that Aleena and Sarah Jane have met - or at least crossed paths with Sarah Jane not exactly recognizing Aleena. There is something there - or is there an old Doctor Who episode I need to check out? Or did Aleena regenerate at some point? Can she even regenerate? I’d assume so since her parents could...

Aww Sarah Jane, don’t be mean to Aleena :( Hopefully she’s okay and it didn’t completely ruin their relationship! She just wanted to help - and has already helped!

Yet again, another great chapter! I like the other adventures spin this is going down - and how you’re writing / events are easy to follow even for folks who have not seen the episode. Keep it up!

Thanks again and see you next time!
AuthorA97 chapter 8 . 8/6/2019
Guess who has two thumbs and is crying?
CrazyGuest chapter 6 . 7/30/2019
Hi, great chapter. I went back to your story of this in Wanda’s point of view and it’s so cool how this is all fitting together. There was just a small error I noticed when reading. Near the end, when Aleena is getting chased by that woman before the window breakers. You’ve put ‘hushing into the living room.’ I think you were trying to put rushing?
FREYA ASTRID NOVA chapter 8 . 7/29/2019
Aw! Yes! It almost feels like Luke has the makings of a companion. When they were running from the Slitheen and figuring things out he just reminded me exactly of a companion! Can't wait to see more of them in action, he really seems to care about her and I think Aleena needs that. SHE WORKS AT TORCHWOOD! She has to work at Torchwood. All the little hints, and backing it up by saying it has changed! Oh my GALLIFREY! Jack and Aleena chapter soon, perhaps? Lol
Also, damn she is decades older and I can really see so much ten in her ... just wow. Really well written, she is clever, and evolved and it shows in her age. Can't wait for more!
Guest chapter 8 . 7/28/2019
CJ/OddBall: Dang Aleena must feel so alone right now. :( Ha Ha Ha a Mini-10 she is! XD I wonder how 10 would react in meeting a miniature personality version of himself! X'D
mjahappy chapter 8 . 7/28/2019
bored411 chapter 8 . 7/28/2019
Great chapter! I feel terrible for aleena but man I hope she helps them out still. Can’t wait to read more. And I was in Ireland for a month so I got rain but now that I’m home it’s wayyyy hot. I miss rain. Hope your place is cooler than mine ;)
All.The.Stories.Are.True.24601 chapter 8 . 7/28/2019
Lovely as ever!
All.The.Stories.Are.True.24601 chapter 7 . 7/16/2019
Finally found the time to catch up! Well worth the wait, I’m rewlly enjoying the alternative POV and seeing how to stories intertwine. Thank you x
N7SpaceHamster chapter 7 . 7/13/2019
School of Trouble - like having bats for teachers type of trouble? ;) Sarah Jane! Haven’t seen her in forever. And didn’t get a chance to really watch the Sarah Jane Adventure episodes so I like the quick introductions! Thought it would be interesting if Aleena was at the school with the bats but probably too timey-wimey things going on.

Aleena is helping out all the companions! Ooo, I really like where this story is going - it’s like a type of reunion but no one really knows each other yet haha Aleena is also starting to come into her own - seems like her personality is starting to grow. Wonder where she went between here and Hooverville.

Mission! Dang, Aleena is really not wasting any time. Like Father/Mother like daughter I suppose! I wonder how she found out about Coldfire Construction, does it have to do with her looking into the future or some super sleuthing? Hmmm very interesting.

Wow I read that entirely too fast haha Interested to see what comes up next and how Aleena fits into this! Also wonder why Sarah is telling Luke to stay away. Motherly instincts or does she know something or other? Idk, might be looking too deep into it.

Wonderful as always and really glad you’re updating again! Was getting worried there for a bit! Cannot wait until the next chapter. Take care!

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