Reviews for Steven Universe: Advent of the Gara Droids
Lady Shadow92 chapter 70 . 16h
great chapter it scared me when charlie died yet now he is back just pink. can't wait to read more hopefully the gang can save peridot, acha, and kocha. also defeat bomber in this super form. update soon
Lady Shadow92 chapter 69 . 7/8
wow that was truly emotional. i could just picture the sadness and anger in huntress's eyes. the fear in bomber's when everyone learned the truth. i really wanted bomber to be killed by huntress but i think that will happen sooner or later. great chapter my friend
Lady Shadow92 chapter 68 . 7/2
okay this made me cry. hearing the desperation in gungan's voice. wanting to be with sapphire forever, sadly love at first sight doesn't work that way. though i enjoyed the talk with lapis and sapphire, really helps them connect a bit. then garnet came back sadly destroying gungan, i actually cried a bit seeing him die. yet huntress and bomber are fighting again, bomber seriously losing his cool. yet dum dum dum viggo is alive and wants to settle a score with bomber. can't wait for the next chapter
Lady Shadow92 chapter 67 . 6/22
wow nick you surprised me this new fusion you made was well so beautiful i almost wished it wasn't a villain. gungan i have to say is my new favorite elite. his power and look is so incredible i love the whole angel of death idea. i can't wait to read more update soon.
Guest chapter 67 . 6/20
Ruby Rose as Zeiron.
Lady Shadow92 chapter 66 . 6/2
wow that was truly epic, i was amused by bomber's ceremony, he truly thinks high of himself. though Skevar was really fascinating. i laughed when bomber lost his head. yet bismuth had to put the breaking point away good idea. she now has pearl back and the team is safe for now. update soon
AC1252 chapter 66 . 6/2
Very nice chapter. Bomber is now the new leader of the Gara Droids and Bismuth created the Breaking Point. Bismuth fight against Skekver was good too. I also like the references on the Transformers the Movie and DBZ Abridged. I was expecting Gien to appear out of nowhere and finally kill Bomber, like how Starscream was killed by Galvatron. speaking of Gien, if he were alive and escape through the portal, then he would wide up in the garden and meet up with Spinal. I could see maybe Gien manipulating Spinal into thinking that Pink was tricked by the Diamonds and/or Pearl to abandoning her. It would explain how she got the rejuvenator and injector, because I don't think the movie explain how she was able to get those things AFTER seeing Steven's message, which to this day still doesn't make sense to me! Sorry I still have mixed feelings about the film. But again your story.

Writers block can be a pain I understand, but hopefully you'll still be able to finish story soon at your own pace, since as you said before we are at the final act.

Hope you update soon!

P.S. Nice hint on Volleyball and Acha learning swordsmanship from Pearl. Can't wait for that.
Lady Shadow92 chapter 65 . 5/17
wow that was so adorable and really sweet. i like how bismuth was so embarrassed she changed her name. yet she told pearl she loved her awesome chapter
AC1252 chapter 65 . 5/15
I really love this chapter and enjoy the ship between Bismuth and Pearl. And I agree, while enjoy the actually episode too my problem with it is mainly the focus. I'm glad you give Bismuth a chance to shine unlike in the canon. Hope you update soon!
Lady Shadow92 chapter 63 . 4/28
wow that was epic, the fight with the cluster really intense. the sweet moment between huntress and gein i like them as an evil power couple. yet bomber killed both viggo and now gein. or maybe not sadly he is now the leader of the gara droids. yet honestly i don't it as a big threat to steven and the gang. can't wait for the next part of your story update soon
Guest chapter 62 . 4/14
Use my ideas u know the ones about growing pains and mr universe and please use my off colours idea and my idea too uncorrupt some r all of the corrupted gems
AC1252 chapter 62 . 4/13
This was EPIC! Seriously this was great, the Obsidan vs Verokran was really epic and well-deserve. The build up to the fusion was well earn too. I feel like in canon of SU's "Change your Mind" was rushed and wasn't built up to it. Same with Rainbow 2.0, my favorite fusion, and Sunstone, not favorite fusion. So it looks like the Cluster is finally returning back to the main plot. I was really disappointed it that it was never bring up or involve in the plot's canon again until Reunite and I'm my Monster. Heck it didn't even appear in the movie when the injector hit the earth!

So I'm curious where this will go. I wonder if it will turn out like in the concept art how it would look like if the Cluster was unbubbled and attack Beach City, like Perfect Chaos in Sonic Adventures. Knowing Gien of course he'll do something like that.

Hope you update soon!
Lady Shadow92 chapter 62 . 4/13
wow that was beyond amazing. each fight scene was so cool. obsidan was beyond powerful, i found the avengers scene hilarious and to see viggo crash like that. main gein must be taken it hard. yet it seems he is going to use the cluster how can the gems beat that? update soon
Guest chapter 61 . 4/6
I know what's gonna happen next chapter obsidian
GOD chapter 61 . 4/3
ok this sires was ok
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