Reviews for Finding Peace
Warriorsandwof chapter 25 . 8/5
Aaaaaaahhhhhh I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Parakeetlover3 chapter 25 . 8/5
This story is awesome!
ThunderbladeN chapter 25 . 8/4
Arggggggggg the SUSPENSE. While I ultimately know that Peacemaker will find peace, suggested by the title, "finding peace" can be accomplished in a multitude of ways. Maybe he dies at the end!? I need more of this.
Viruswolf12 chapter 25 . 8/2
Really hope Tempest comes back. Like her father going to rescue her or something. She and Peacemaker are perfect together. But I won't force since it's your story.
Excellent chapter, by the way, it was emotional.
Thrilling chapter 25 . 8/2
Oh wowwwww. Is the refection thing like the front cover?
DonHp chapter 2 . 8/2
I was originally put off by the whole Peacemaker thing at the start like a lot of other people, but I think I've come to accept it more now. Not that it was a good decision on the Jade Winglet's part, but because it opens up the opportunity for so many interesting stories like this, looking into the moral grey area that choice resided in. I think Tui even said she wanted to do a book or arc about the current baby dragons, which could mean an official take on this premise!
Maximus Draconis chapter 25 . 8/2
This is what I originally wanted. Perfect story, and a bit more realistic!
Guest chapter 25 . 8/1
This was a heartbreaking chapter.

I feel pure pain for both Peacemaker and Drakstalker. Either of them deserved what happened to them.

I don't believe the animated series will be coming out anytime soon. Due to, politics.
But. I hope the graphic novels make some big changes when they get to arch two (and three)
WingsOfWesties chapter 25 . 8/1
OMG I CANT WAIT FOR MORE! You are amazing! Please please please release the next chapter ASAP! AAAHHH!
Guest chapter 25 . 8/1
Ima guess that something is gonna happen in PeaceStalker’s dream.
DonHp chapter 25 . 8/1
Dang! I was right about Winter too!
This is really good, and I like how the cover reflects the mirror scene. But now I have to wait a week or more to find out what will happen when the others who were in on the spell find out. Will someone hear the racket, and will Kinkajou or Foeslayer come? Gah! I'm hooked!
arthur.brunotte chapter 25 . 8/1
Poor Peacemaker (yes, I will be saying that a lot. Deal with it).
700W3 chapter 24 . 7/30
What a cliffhanger, hope Peace comes out mostly unscathed. Though I highly doubt it, poor dragon.
I know Peacemaker will eventually become at peace with his past and identity, as it's suggested by the title of the story. But damn the journey is a painful one. Cliff still kinda there to support Peace,, please don't let this be where their friendship ends.
As Cliff is possibly the only one to understand Peacemaker's identity crisis as his own Mother, Queen Ruby, is a Mask herself. But it's understandable if he's uncomfortable, as Peacemaker wasis a powerful dragon who killed hundreds maybe even thousands.
If this arc of the story happens, it's best to be in the Sky Kingdom, as Cliff promised to take the hybrid there in a recent chapter so it makes sense. Which will be in a few weeks in the storyline, potentially, Peacemaker can bond with Queen Ruby and who can help him find some amount of peace with himself.
Sorry for my rambling but I love your work, keep up the amazing work.
Guest chapter 24 . 7/29
Ima predict that peacemaker is gonna

Peace out.
Pawprintus chapter 24 . 7/27
AAAAA this is soo good my dude! You’ve gotten me hooked since chapter 7 and dang I’m glad I stayed, keep up the good work!
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