Reviews for Siniath Faers, Cadu Ad
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 3 . 5/25
- Magic Resistance


Actually, Xander is better off with a D rank in MR, than he was before.

That D-rank puts him on par with the average Magus, IIRC.

(And on two side notes Mordred's MR is only a B-rank, not an A-rank. And Jenny's Galvanism ability lets her absorb Magic, thus it wouldn't have effected her mind, as it just gets diverted into her Mana pool.)

Ordinary civilians who have nothing to do with Magic would have an E-rank at best. And that's being very optimistic.

Ranking values are:
E Rank is 10 points.
Each next rank up is another 10, so a C is 30.
One plus is double the value.
Two plus is triple the value.
Three plus is quadruple the value

So a C triple plus gives you a score of 120 and would allow you to overpower someone with an A plus rank score of 100.

Ex is off the chart and cannot be quantified.

Regular Nasuverse humans count as 1 pointers in their varying fields. With E-ranks and maybe D-ranks with those physically inclined. The latter probably along the lines of medal winning Olympic Athletes or Special Forces.

- Dragon slaying
Small correction.

Joyce bears the Factor of a Dragon and as such is WEAK versus dragon slaying weapons. The Core does boost her Magic Ability though. (Thought, I'd read something about Clarent having gained Anti-Dragon properties for having placed a mortal blow on Arthuria, but none of the Nasuverse sites I checked confirmed this.)

No, of the SD Crew, Xander and Buffy are most qualified at dragon slaying.

Buffy for her Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. Xander for the Blade Works and the items it contains. Arondight, Gram, Balmung and Ascalon all have Anti-Dragon properties

Combine that with the notion of Broken Phantasm "Arrows" and EMIYA's skill at Archery.

Well, he can mess it up from range. Anti-Dragon property to pierce the scales, broken aspect to cause it to explode, thus removing large chunks of flesh.

Depending on location, vital organs and arteries are very much at risk of damage and thus suffering lethal wounds..

And that's not counting what a broken phantasm version of Gae Bolge can do.

Do wonder if Middle Earth Dragons have the same properties of Nasuverse ones, as bathing in the blood could then provide them with a certain degree of invincibility.)
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25
Another author that has that fkng nerf itching fingers. All was good and interesting in the chapter until that abominable comment of making things more even. Why the fk people have the need to nerf one of the used universums in their fictions to even thing to the level of the other universum their are going to use. It is utter idiocy, you do not write about a Godlike character first and than state that he or she upon the transfer to some other universum used in crossover will have the strenght of a typical goblin. You concentrate on the plot and events and LEAVE the power levels as they were. Yep there are powerfull beings in the LOTR universum but those are the gods and their lesser servants, those are the dragons and some other beasts like mountain giants or barlogs, or giant spiders, the rest of universum are normal beigns be them elves, dwarves or humans they are pathetic on the scale of powers.
Abyss Trinity chapter 3 . 2/13
Awesome chapter, I will favorite this.
ivanruzic3758 chapter 2 . 12/19/2019
Correct me if I'm wrong, butt is Spike Jackie/Assassin of Black? Because the only amalgamation of souls in Nasuverse that I can remember is Jackie the Ripper.
piddle chapter 2 . 11/6/2019
loved the chapter.
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 2 . 10/31/2019
- Departure
Zelretch really should've informed Cordy about what her fate would've been if he hadn't interfered.

Might've made her a bit more tractable

- Spike
So Whitechapel Jack huh. Won't that be a nasty surprise to Giles.

- Orcs
So how good are the Scoobies at this point?

As Gae Bolt has an Anti-Army function. Cordy's Bellepheron also counts as one IIRC. Meanwhile Xander as Archer would have access to multiple Anti-Army NP and that's not counting broken versions of Caladbolg to be used as artillery fire.

- Dreams
So Cordy is being harassed by Sauron?

Sounds like he considers her a threat as a fallen Goddess.

As a fragment of Amaterasu, Willow should be in the same predicament.
Cyrus the Reader chapter 2 . 10/15/2019
Thank you for the chapter! This could be fun out of curiosity will the dragon affect one of the Summers? I think I remember Saber having Dragon blood in her or something like that.
Abyss Trinity chapter 2 . 10/15/2019
Awesome chapter :)
Nidhog42 chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
thomassmith69 chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
I quite enjoyed this. Looking forward to more. I don’t know how your going to mix middle earth in. Are they heroic spirits because if they are wouldn’t they be functionally immortal? Like don’t age and can stay as long as they don’t die? If so would it be like the immortal Gandalf in middle earth. Would the world revert to Middle Ages or something. Idk.
RoyalTwinFangs chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
Not bad.
Firehedgehog chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
when i see you update a fic
Ohhhhhhhh Shiny!
great new ficcy hon
Abyss Trinity chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
This was interesting :) can't wait for more.
superpierce chapter 1 . 1/21/2019
Interesting story so far though I honestly hope you update your other Stories soon.
Edgar3t chapter 1 . 1/21/2019
I feel like I should ask you to try and stick to one story, but then I wouldn't get to read all these other stories... Plus I get what you're saying about this being your hobby. It's just that as great as all your stories are it would suck for any/all of them to never be finished. Great story once again hope to see more of it, and your other ones as well