Reviews for HtM: More Than Enough
Lilycat76 chapter 1 . 5/27
The idea of Renji and Shuuhei being together is adorable, but we all know where Renji’s heart truly lies.
RenjiMichaelisMustang chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
Well now thanks to you, I can't stop trying to imagine how a drunk chicken would write! Thank you very much for that, btw!

Have you ever felt so thirsty that you can almost imagine a tall glass with clear, delicious iced water and you can almost feel it goind down your dry throat, soothing every fiber of your being, and when you finally get some water you feel sooooo happy and... zen? yeah, that's me right now after reading your RenShuu.

I almost felt bad for Byakuya because he couldn't get a taste of some delicious Renji. Go get him, Shuu! Keep the man pleased!

Great work!
TheDrunkenWerewolf chapter 1 . 2/4/2019
*breaks waters surface gasping for breath and crawls to fic while kraken is sleeping*

Ayy HtM side piece :) great to see the universe expanding. What happened did infection mutate? (I am either a good or a terrible influence if so) but anyway onto the fic.

"Hide something else" *cackling because I know things*
Love the banter between Shuuhei and Renji I always love a bit of banter. And wow I know its a friends with benefits situation but I can totally believe this. And the naughty stuff was great the role playing thing was excellent and very nice. Yeah I imagined that turned Renji on like nobodys business ;)
GanymedeLullaby chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
Where do I even start? I really do love the idea of Renji and Shuuhei together. They just fit pretty damn well together. They definitely have some pretty hot sex with each other. That was absolutely amazing!
Spunky0ne chapter 1 . 1/28/2019
Wow! That was just adorable, hot and amusing because in HtM, poor Renji STILL hasn't gotten to take his moon all the way. rofl I love it! (And it's totally not the booze talking. That's got to have worn off by now, right?
tmp3475 chapter 1 . 1/24/2019
Shuuhei and Renji would make a good couple but the heart wants what the heart wants. Byakuya is missing out for now
Beebo85 chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
That was a fun side story! I love the HtM universe, and I like getting to see side stories that help build the world and actions/responses of the characters outside of what has happened in canon. Will you do more one shots for other members of Renji's pack?

Lemon was delicious as always
timewaster123456789 chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
'Dysfunction' Line is excellent

And poor Shu doing the nod and agree because he's a good friend and knows this isn't the time for rational conversation.

the 'I wonder.." line feels like the author speaking. That being said I do love what it does narratively, just think it could use different word choice.

You Tangled Shuu pretty well, his reaction tracks with when he learns the truth in HTM. The point about him valuing Renji's friendship more too even if he does make it a joke.

I see what you mean about the characters stealing the keyboard. Not bad for the first installment of the hydra and Shuu was sweet.