Reviews for Z: A Heroic Journey
Tsukimine12 chapter 5 . 7/1
Anyway, Loved the chapter! The fact that All Might is a fan of Goku is really sweet I can't wait for the Majin Buu arc, what a disaster that's going to be!
Hope you can continue it soon! :D
Tsukimine12 chapter 4 . 7/1
Okay, this is fucking awesome. Your worldbuilding is amazing, and the fact that Goku is an important figure to society and heroes? Amazing, finally some delicious content :3
Loved it!
Hedgecloud69 chapter 4 . 5/23
Just a thing, but in Japanese society its considered rude to call someone by their first name, unless they're basically family or they ask (like asui, and even then shes an oddity). you should change it to calling them "uraraka" and "midoriya" and "son" etc unless you're writing from that characters POV. it adds more authenticity to your story
damianmartinez0920 chapter 4 . 5/16
Does gohan really have to choose which girl now I say let them get to know all of them even Momo and Jirou to be honest he should get harem but that my opinion i’m not gonna lie all the crap that he went through as a 4 year kid Facing planet busters and facing cell That was a planing destroy the whole solar system but he survived it all I said let them get a reward. Again this is my opinion that’s it
ImNotAWeeb64101 chapter 5 . 5/5
Great story so far! Can’t wait for the next update
DRAGONDAVE45 chapter 5 . 4/27
I am really enjoying this! You've handled the integration admirably! And the involvement of Bulma and Capsule Corp. fits logically. Giving Gohan the prototype for the costume-watch device is pure gold! The only complaint I have is that I've always hated the "Great Saiyaman" costume. Maybe Gohan could keep the hero-name, but learn about his grandfather Bardok from Vegeta and change his costume to honor not only all his teachers, but his ancestor as well: his blue gi(with weighted shirt) that he got from Piccalo, topped by the black & green upper-body armor of Bardok, the weighted boots and wristbands of his father, and a red cape for his own flair. Replace the helmet with a pair of sleek sunglasses loaded with all kinds of sensors and communication devices.
roshane chapter 5 . 4/14
This is an interesting fic I am curious to see what the sports festivals will be like. Not sure about the parings though imagine them having kids a part monkey part frog child seems like a weird combo
Angryshadow04 chapter 5 . 4/9
You should pair Gohan with either kendo or Ashido.
Follower chapter 5 . 3/28
Keep going this great story! I loved Gohan and Tsuyu ingenious Battle Trial! Todoroki now sees Gohan as his rival. That will be good to see.
Also, for the pairing, I'll choose Tsuyy Asui. Gohan must protect her at all cost! Especially in the following USJ arc against Shigaraki.
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 5 . 3/30
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 4 . 3/30
Gohan has definitely underestimated how truly Legendary his father Son Goku was. It's a pity, shame and infuriating that the whole world believes Hercule Satan was the one who defeated Cell when in reality, it was Son Gohan who delivered the killing blow with help from the Z-Fighters. Hercule Satan is a fraud and no one knows it. Will you by any chance expose Hercule Satan as a fraud and liar in the future as the story progresses? It doesn't sit right with me that he got away with it in canon DBZ without consequences.
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 3 . 3/29
A terrible liar. Like, ouch, Aizawa. You didn't expect Gohan to admit he is the son of Goku right off the the bat, right?
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 2 . 3/29
90 Villain Points and 60 Rescue Points, putting Gohan at No.1 in the physical test, as well as acing the written test. Can't wait for the battle trial. As for pairing, definitely not Videl, too many of those around in fanfiction. While I wouldn't mind Momo, I've already got my wish for that pairing in the Xover Stories Saiyaman Plus Ultra and The Symbol of Peace and Justice. So I'd go for either Itsuka, Tsuyu or Mina.
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 1 . 3/29
Although I will praise Chi Chi for pushing Gohan's intellect through the roof, him slacking off from combat for the last 6 years will bite him in the ass against a world ending foe. I'm not happy Gohan chose to let Hercule Satan take credit for Cell's defeat, even if I understand why he did it. It's completely disrespectful for Goku's sacrifice and the other Z-fighters' sacrifice.
advms chapter 5 . 3/17
this fic fire so far my guy and I think Tsuyu would be the perfect pairing for Gohan
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