Reviews for Harry Potter and the Ancestral Legacy
LifeIsAGreatAdventure chapter 3 . 6/16/2019
A really interesting story. A little too "male wish fulfillment" for me but you've got a delightful set of interactions, solid feeling characters and a fun read going. I do hope you'll pick this back up at some point and thank you for your hard work on it so far.
BigB12 chapter 3 . 4/16/2019
I really enjoy your story, keep it up!
jbfritz chapter 3 . 3/29/2019
Great story! Please post more soon!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/23/2019
Very poor quality writing, I'd try to give more specific examples but it's pretty much all around bad.
Hoar E. Bull chapter 2 . 2/23/2019
Somehow this manages to be laboured and clunky while still being shallow and flimsy.
The fact that it's also all over the place, in every sense, without achieving the slightest hint of depth is almost impressive.

I especially like when you forget which tense you're using, and the slip into first person POV where you refer to Harry as "me".

It's also fairly interesting that your characters can be OOC from themselves one paragraph to the next.

On a scale from 1 banana-5 Hippos I give this: 0.5 sea cucumber
nony chapter 3 . 2/10/2019
whatever happened to harry's meeting with narcissa?
Ronin Kenshin chapter 3 . 2/9/2019
awesome love the way this is turning out great work
Guest chapter 2 . 2/1/2019
yudhazebba chapter 2 . 2/1/2019
Ronin Kenshin chapter 2 . 2/1/2019
great work can't wait to see how this fic develops
jc chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
great start
Ronin Kenshin chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
great work