Reviews for Welcome to the ARChive!
Stratos263 chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
Good job on the start. You don’t need to do the introduction part you can just summarize it
Namah chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
You dont need to do an tinroductiory chapter this format's been done to death. Just hop to it one of best things about writting fanfiction is that you can asume your audience knows what you're talking abour because if they didnt know rwby why would they be here?
SomberFlight chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
Hmm.. Other than filing-fileing i didn't notice any misspellings or grammatical mistakes. I'll follow it for sure... good luck.
Grano Onis chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
... Okay, I'm going to be blunt with my criticisms because I want to see another good reaction fic arise.

1) Whenever someone else starts to say or deliberately think something, create a new paragraph dedicated to just what that person is saying or deliberately thinking.

2) Why are you excluding Jaune from this, and did you decide to bring in everyone else? The whole "Exclude Jaune" and "having only Jaune-centered universes" is getting really overdone (which I'm sure you'll hear a lot), but what will each other person contribute to the movies/scenes you'll be having everyone react to? For example, most reaction fics will exclude Neptune just because of how little he'll really contribute to reactions, and a number of fics that bring in Raven eventually get rid of her due to how uninterested she would honestly be in most of the scenes being showed. The films you show need to have something about them that the viewers will have a vested interest in.

3) This is a very short and incomplete introduction to have start off your fic with... Okay, this was going to be a bit more negative, but now that I've thought about it, the ending isn't bad. You end on a high note, which makes the reader want to read the next chapter. This wouldn't be a bad thing... if there was a next chapter. As it stands, without the next chapter, the only thing we readers have to judge if this fic will be worth following is what you have before, and with the previous two points (the first one especially), there's not a lot of promise.

4) This one is a bit nitpicky, but I'll throw it in. Jaune didn't really display a lot of eagerness/motivation to save the casserole. If he did, then he honestly would have stopped talking after telling Oscar, "I got it." Then, if you really wanted to give an explanation for why Jaune would be so quick to do this, just have Sapphron explain that their mother instilled a great sense of cooking in them and would murder them if they let a good casserole burn. Otherwise, it just sounds a bit pompous (kinda like a superhero explaining why they would save a random civilian who is currently falling from a tall building before actually moving in to save him/her).

That's all I've got. I do hope this fic becomes successful. I enjoy a good reaction fic.