Reviews for Snotlout's Stories
Snow chapter 1 . 2/10
Snotlout, lovable?! Are you sure we are thinking of the same Snotlout?
Meraki7734 chapter 17 . 7/7/2019
This should’ve been the real ending! Well! Canonish in my head now! No excuses!
I sort of imagine in my head that by using the dragons, they could expand New Berk into a paradise for dragons and humans alike, increasing defenses etc. Instead of the mess it was on Old Berk. Eh, I can dream (thinks about a fanfic in progress) I can dream.
I mean seriously! Like the dragons would leave them! HA! Bs.
Thanky for making this! Can’t wait until the next one shot!
As always,
I don’t know what else to say. Oof.
rummybones chapter 17 . 7/4/2019
Such a fitting way for Grimmel to go out... That guy is the worst. And I'm glad the dragons decided to stay! I can totally see something like this happening if the franchise was continued. Keep on writing!
Meraki7734 chapter 16 . 6/16/2019
*on the ground in a fetal position*
Meraki7734 chapter 15 . 6/4/2019
Holy heck.
PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 15 . 6/3/2019
Oh man. When the dragons see what happened, they are NEVER leaving their humans alone again. I loved your Hiccup being so worried about Snotlout. Poor babies. And their faith in Astrid is so unshakable. Mmmmm.
Ashlout87 chapter 1 . 6/1/2019
This story was great! I love how little Snotlout wanted to help the dragons.
PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 14 . 5/31/2019
I'm enjoying this no end! thank you for plucking up the gumption to get started on it! I love the idea of Hiccup sending Snotlout on a diplomatic mission - clearly, he didn'r mess it up! And I love your Snotlout being all "whatever he's going to do to me he won't be doing to Astrid." I believe your Hiccup's prudery when he says they wanted to "take advantage" of Astrid - he's the kind of guy who couldn't get the words out, that rings very true character-wise. You already know my ideas for Snotlout whump so I won't repeat them here. I LOVED the battle scene with Snotlout and Astrid. I do believe they'd work really well together and take out as many guards as they could before they were outnumbered, so your description rang true there as well. I love this and can't wait for more!
Ashlout87 chapter 7 . 5/29/2019
I didn't think the ending was weak at all, it was great! You definitely achieved making it hard to stop reading, for me anyways. Great job on all of these stories, I love 'em!
Calvin chapter 13 . 4/15/2019
You’re welcome. I do also have an idea for a Snotlout-centered post-HTTYD 3 one shot. In the one shot, Snotlout decides to check up on Wingmaiden Island to tell them about the news regarding releasing the dragons. When he arrives, he finds out that the Wingmaidens has been taken prisoner by remnants of the Warlords and Drago’s army. Snotlout manages to distract them long enough for him to hide and wait when they passes by him before freeing the Wingmaidens and telling them the news. When the soldiers come back, Snotlout and the Wingmaidens work together to defeat and drive them off, winning the battle. Realizing the danger of keeping the Razorwhips, the Wingmaidens reluctantly let them go, but not before Snotlout assures then he will remind Hiccup to tell Toothless to make sure none of the Razorwhip makes cannibalize the hatchlings. Before he heads back to New Berk, Minden comes by and tells him she would like to come with him to see what New Berk is like. She already got permission from Atali, so she won’t be needing an escort, much to Snotlout’s relief. While they travel to New Berk, they begin to catch up on what’s been happening and how they’ve started to miss each other. A few weeks later, after they arrived back and welcomed Minden to the Hairy Hooligans, she and Snotlout decide to go out, eventually falling in love with each other and marrying one another after two and a half years. They later gain a daughter (much to Snotlout’s happiness, since he wanted a little girl) whom they name Raze, in honor of the Razorwhips.
ReaderFreak5000 chapter 7 . 4/17/2019
The last 3 or 4 chapters were kinda hard to read. I feel so sorry for both Snotlout and Spitelout. They both can be hard-headed and stubborn but at least they can begin to heal and forgive each other. I am going to take a break from reading this, but only because I haven't seen HTTYD 3 yet. As soon as I watch it, I will continue reading these. Your a great writer and this is a great series of one-shots. :)
PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 12 . 3/29/2019
Omgggggggggggg was this punishment because I didn't review your adorable chapter with Hookfang being so loving and protective? It must be! I was so waiting for some comforting after this! You're so right, though, of course there would be something after that entire episode. I really want to thank you for the adorable bit with Hookfang curling around Snotlout and putting his head in his lap. I think I had feels in my knees from that. The touch you had with the "time-out" chair was really really good - it did the job of making this abuse seem structured, as if it was normal and made sense. Love the paradox of having him tied up and still calling it a "time-out" like it's a kind and mild punishment! I'd kill for Hookfang putting his head in the window and taking care of him, I must admit...
Feather32 chapter 11 . 3/29/2019
I'm loving these stories I will admit watching RTTE made Snotlout into my favorite character so it was awesome to find your collection of stories with this one. I loved this last two-parter the most though. Snotlout and Hookfang bonding for the win. :)
Jokermask18 chapter 11 . 3/25/2019
What about another Astrid/Snotlout one where she helps him out by pretending to be his GF?
PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 10 . 3/20/2019
I absolutely have a huge weakness for Snotlout and Hookfang bonding, so I freely admit I'm biased. But that said - I love the way you give them time to bond and get used to each other slowly, and I love how you don't downplay the prickliness of either of their personalities. Please allow me to MELT at your Hookfang being protective and comforting because OMGGGGG.
(Oh, if I may, can I share something from a book I read once called "100 Ways To Improve Your Writing"? It advised writers not to write out yells and crashes the way we do in comic books - like in a comic book it's OK to write "Aaaaaaargh!" but in a piece of fiction it's better to write "He screamed".)
I'm also on board for an abusive Spitelout, definitely - and I really love your new-friend Hookfang sniffing at your baby Snotlout's eye... That really made me melt! And them just falling in love and mmmmmmmmm so adorable... Shut me up now...
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