Reviews for Orange Sky
Hartmannclan chapter 2 . 6/5
This scene is always so hard to watch in the movie. You've handled it quite creatively, adding your own touches yet leaving it so poignant. T_T
BlueEyesDevil chapter 23 . 6/4
hii, just wanted to say that this story is really awesome, and also i read the space between stars and i have never cried that much with a fanfiction before. you are an amazing author, and i hope you keep writing these beautiful and nerve wrecking stories!
Doc-LeeE chapter 23 . 6/1
Oh my gosh so good! I love it!
JF Librarian chapter 22 . 5/8
That "No" from Ben damned near killed me. You are a treasure!
LunarEclipse360 chapter 23 . 5/5
I was hoping you’d click that final piece of the puzzle with the mention of the painting. Also, I swear that part of what Ben mentioned about soulmates sounds familiar but I can’t place it. I love The Zoo. I actually used to work for that zoo, The Bronx Zoo in NYC. It’s a lovely zoo and the habitat that Rey created sounds like it could be a twin to The Bronx Zoo’s Congo Gorilla Forest.
Nathaliya01 chapter 23 . 5/2
Yeyyy, thank you so much for uploading the new chapter, I almost lost all hope :D (yes, I did read your answer:) ). This time was the first time I waited for a chapter to be uploaded so I did not know how long it takes :) I hope you are doing as well as possible during these times and so happy you are getting back your writing mojo! It really must be hard to continue after ,that, movie and you did so much better than perfect! Well, a little shoooort and not so much drama (well, I do not even want drama in a happy ending so I do not know why I am writing it) :D But perfect of course as always :) You were my first fanfic and I. tried to start some other ones but it seems like you are a real gem and there is nobody like you :) so many first chapters I have closed down. Somehow you strike the perfect balance with the way of your writing. Deep enough to feel I know all about the character and the surroundings but not too overdressed that I get lost in the descriptions and start to feel it is too much. Also, your vocabulary is great. Simple but smart which is the perfect combination when you try to inhale the whole story. The readability, storytelling, drama and oh everything wraps nicely up is really such a talent you possess but also one can see how much effort is in your works. Thank you and I can not wait for the next one! Please, ever stop writing!:) :)
cyar-ikas chapter 23 . 4/29
aaaaa finally the idiots got their asses together forever!
solobunny1 chapter 23 . 4/28
This was great. I had an ugly-cry!
Tori chapter 23 . 4/27
OMG YESSSSS! I’m so extremely happy that you’ve updated this! I’ve loved every minute of it and can’t wait to read about their lives moving forward :). I seriously thought you were going to pull a wedding in this chapter! Her in white, him and black and they both had rings?! Awesome
White.Demon.Feathers chapter 23 . 4/27
Welcome back! I was wondering if you were gonna finish this great story or not. So glad you are! I'm gonna be so emotionally when this is all over. It was such a fun journey. And even talking to you through comments was great! I'll miss that.

Your Ben really helped with me and not settling for someone less than I deserve. It might be silly, and I hoped that he ruined me for all men, but seriously he is what all women should go for and expect to be treated like. Thank you for that.

What will I do once you're done?!
ldsrsc chapter 23 . 4/27
This was too sweet for words. Wonderful writing!
kcj041 chapter 23 . 4/26
OMG! YES! That was an awesome chapter! I love how they made the connection of seeing each other the night Poe died. Can’t wait for the final (two?) chapter! Thank you!
Paul Lenzen chapter 23 . 4/26
This was a very sweet chapter, and I'm glad that you are writing this to completion... I've loved this fic since I started reading it, and I know I've said it before but I'm going to be so sad that it's going to end, but I also know that all things must come to an end... In all of this I also just wanted to say good job; I can't wait for the next chapter
BrokenMentality chapter 23 . 4/26
awww this was so sweet and so adorable! and hahaha the fact that they both were going to propose lol is so cute XD
Bumbler93 chapter 23 . 4/26
Oh my gosh! It finally happened and I love it! You put it into words brilliantly! Thank you so much for continuing through your block! I’m so excited to read the final chapter! Thank you again for your heart warming story! ️
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