Reviews for Maelstrom at UA
hi chapter 9 . 7/23
so good
kistunenaruto chapter 28 . 7/2
Hey I was wondering if you plan to continue this soon since I missing this story.
yindragonkiba chapter 28 . 6/3
Loved the fic thus far can’t wait for more
Kajinoshi chapter 28 . 4/9
I really love this story and this is one that I am going to stick with. Also don’t pressurise yourself to write for us quickly take your time and do it well. That’s what I do (I try I’m lazy with my writing and work on my schoolwork instead so) take your time I love this story and the images are funny but cringey
Raizen1125 chapter 5 . 4/6
Just saw the AN for this chapter. Whoops. Carry on, my dude.
Though my critique of the community as a while remains valid
Raizen1125 chapter 4 . 4/6
For the love of god, don't make this a harem. Some free advice? Taking writing suggestions from the Naruto FFN is basically asking to have your fix turn into generic, mediocre crap. Half of them are horny morons who want the same self projective male fantasy BS they've read a dozen times before. Write for yourself, and stay organic.
papaprep chapter 28 . 4/3
Guest chapter 28 . 4/2
I used this time to complete the original dragon ball series it was very good and had a surprising amount of nudity
CrazyWolfQueenOfAnime chapter 28 . 4/2
Anime is epic. This story is epic. Anime crossovers are epic. I am dying from the epicness. Just... Epic. And everything (mostly) that you said was true and epic. I am over using the word epic ;)
Genesis09 chapter 28 . 4/2
Take your time. Real life comes first.

SlyFox9 chapter 28 . 4/2
Yeah no problem we understand. I just hope that you and everybody will be safe and healthy. I’m looking forward to the next chapter until you have time to update. Until then good luck.
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 9 . 4/2
The only intresting thing laterbon will be who wins the next bout and in what way. Or as the pairing states How do the duo find their siginificant others
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 8 . 4/2
Because you focused on improving them both at the same rate Naruto's growth was sabotaged. If he had a Quirk like that he would be bulldozing through everyone when the time cames. With his Stamina he can train for Hours even days and catch up to Allmight in a few years with the right training and Equiment.

Because your trying to make him a rival for Izuku Naruto gets weaker while Izuku Flourished. Then when he got a power boost Izuku will be left behind too. Then catch up to him again. You see it's an endless cycle of boredom.
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 7 . 4/2
good ChP
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 6 . 4/2
okay tgis is a little ridiculous. Your writing for two protagonists at the same time. I would suggest you choose just one. A male and Female protagonist is much easier. In the long run it will be harder to make decisions. Who would get to fight who. Who is stronger and stuff like that. Make either one of them secondary. A story revolves around one person. Don't make it harder for yourself and This is a good fic. Hate to see you give up before you have 1000 reviews.
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