Reviews for Total Corruption
Cy Man chapter 1 . 10h
Interesting idea, but many errors right off the bat.

If this is before Halo 4, then Lasky isn't the Captain of the Infinity and Palmer isn't the Commander of the Spartan-IVs at that time with the former being the second in command of the ship as a Commander under the incompetent Captain Del Rio, and the latter being just a simple lieutenant.

Regardless of corruption levels, the death of Dark Samus ensures the complete destruction of all substances of Phazon and it would cure and revert Samus back to normal.

So it's really hard to wrap one's head around all of this if one is fully knowledgeable of both series, and that makes it very difficult to suspend disbelief for the sake of the story.
Diclonious57 chapter 8 . 7/19
Ooh flood very interesting, since she’s phazon they can’t infect her right?
Diclonious57 chapter 1 . 7/18
Will there be master chief X Samus in the this? Cause that’s like my jam.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/18
Please update soon
Guest chapter 7 . 7/18
Interesting story. Hope she gets some human elements back.
djmegamouth chapter 6 . 6/29
I’m very confused about the kid.
djmegamouth chapter 5 . 6/29
Ok this is very interesting. Also gravity really is a bitch lol.
djmegamouth chapter 4 . 6/29
Kinda rude to put her with other aliens. It feels shoving her into a animal pen.
djmegamouth chapter 3 . 6/29
I'm not really comfortable with the UNSC giving her free reign like that, but it makes things easier. Though honestly there's nothing they can actually do to stop if she decides to explore.
djmegamouth chapter 2 . 6/28
Ok that was both really cool and really horrifying. I like how your doing palmer as well. I like it a lot. I love times when samus goes full alien.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/9
More plz and can you update a little faster like one a month
LONE RANGER 97 chapter 8 . 6/7
Yay I just read another chapter... Wait that means I Wait that means I gotta wait for the next chapter now Damn it and things were getting so interesting :'(
ArashiNokitsune chapter 8 . 6/6
The Samus is not trapped in there with the flood, it is the flood who is trapped in with Samus. The whole thing is going to be a massacre on to accounts one is the chozo armor suit and its defenses and weapons, the second is Samus is an energy being compromised of phazon the stuff that has effected planets, organic and inorganic entities and was the source of alot of trouble though out metriod prime, Samus could probably do what dark samus did and make them her food or phazon nuke the area she might cause another phazon infestation but it would get rid of a nasty parasite.
SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta chapter 8 . 6/6
I wonder if the Flood would even be able to feed on Samus as she is here.
wolf master97 chapter 8 . 6/6
Ok while I like this version somewhat better, I do think you over reacted by immediately taking down the chapter and replacing it at the behest of 1 reviewer.
Still, shorter than I'd of liked, but neat non the less.
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