Reviews for For You
Lovepeaceandwar chapter 1 . 6/23
Is this just a repost of "Free Days" or am I losing my mind? Slade has had it coming for a long time and going after Raven really pushed Robin to his limit. You don't necessarily die from a broken neck. Robin isn't a cold blooded killer but he wants to protect the ones he loves.
doublelifeofveronique chapter 1 . 4/25
I love this, this is really great. Such a job well done, it is realistic and you perfectly capture both of their characters thank you! Hope you continue on writing more. We very much appreciate this.
Bebewolf chapter 1 . 4/12
I love this. I hope you make more robrae fanfics or try writing some with damian and raven as the pairing.
pisceanchic101 chapter 1 . 11/30/2019
so sweet! I loved it~
sailorlyoko4life chapter 1 . 10/26/2019
Yeah that was one of the top 5 creepiest moments in the show man. I wondered it my second time watching through the show too. I was hoping they would mention more of raven entering Robin's mind from "haunted" and the bond they share, but we only got him mentioning it to her once during all of her episodes. I guess I'm glad they brought it up at all. Great job with this!
NevermoreCalls chapter 1 . 3/18/2019
You make a good point with Slade's neck. I remember thinking years ago "wait... did he just... like.. snap his neck or something?" But of course we viewers knew he was kinda dead or something since he just randomly came out of the ground. I wasn't surprised with that big "reveal" that he had a skull for a face in The End Pt 2.

Shame we never got more of Slade. I mean he showed up as like a cameo in season 5 but nothing compared to the previous seasons. (at least I remember seeing him once or twice. I only saw season 5 like once all the way through). I think that would've been really interesting. Thank you for sharing your story here. I think you have great talent! You could write books for a living.
UJade4bts chapter 1 . 3/10/2019
Im a huge RobinxRaven ur reading every single book of urs
LadySpartacus chapter 1 . 3/6/2019
Well, in all fairness, that whole episode was kinda over the line. But yeah, I agree, they never really addressed what happened, Robin going overboard, Slade creepily ripping off Raven's clothes, the fact that Robin found her like that... it was all just kind of glossed over. I love reading fics that bring up the topic and address it.
Matthew. Idk chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
I usually read romance that also has some other thing going on like comedy or action so I’m surprised how much I actually enjoyed the calmness of this.
TheAnonymousNobody chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
I love this so much! It’s great and so sweet! I love their trust and relationship.

PS And you can absolutely break it without it being lethal, but I agree that Slade probably would’ve been dead because of that snapping.
Ember Reverie chapter 1 . 2/22/2019
I guess I've never really though too much about that. Most of the TT villains are completely cartoonish and Slade was really the only one that kept the show from being too kiddish. If you think about it, the plot surrounding Slade (including the Raven thread in season 4) almost feels out of place with the rest of the show. In a good way, granted.

Anyway, I really liked this. It's always nice to highlight their closeness and how they just understand each other.
Heartless demon wolf chapter 1 . 2/22/2019
Honestly never even though of that before. Really great idea and great way to bring a twist to that.