Reviews for Chronicles of the Siren War
Johnzgamez chapter 62 . 8/8
Good shit. I’ve a question, however. Now, I understand you don’t read questions on here as oft as Reddit, but the motherfucking mods gave me a seven day ban for accidentally breaking one rule, so here goes: if you continue onto the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, will Washington be in the fleet with Thornson or is it just gonna give shitty dick credit she doesn’t deserve? Because, honestly, I want to see a maniacally laughing Washington giving Kirishima what for while dodging every shell and torpedo thrown her way, while simultaneously showing Ayanami that, no, she was not tough shit, she needs to learn her McFucking place. Anyways, really good shit, I like Tennessee’s fighting spirit, it fits her, although I’m pretty confused, because I’m fairly certain that, even without any retrofits, Shitty Dick... ahem, South Dakota has much better AA than any pre-dreadnought save maybe Texas, who isn’t in the game (yet), and even then, Texas would have to fight like hell to out-aa Shitty Dick. Ah, whatever, good chapter, I’ll see you next time.
CreepyReaper chapter 62 . 8/5
You know I was just thinking about giving this story a re-read the other day, and this chapter is the final straw, and so begin the first of what will no doubt be several re-reads.

Great chapter, favorite part has to be Yamashiro and her poor bombed out butt, but Tennessee's headlong ramming of a carrier has got to be a close second. Reminds me of Battlestar Galactica when the Pegasus rams a Basestar, only far more satisfying because our beloved country girl doesn't sink afterwards. The whole battle felt very cathartic after last chapter having Enterprise and company getting their collective shit wrecked. Some revenge for Yorktown, but I very much hope Thorson manages to swing Enterprise and Hornet to his side in time to avoid a repeat of Santa Cruz.
TheOneAndOnly chapter 62 . 8/3
You know what's better than Midway?

Yes, Bloody Solomons

The Rising Sun is set, here comes the night!
MarauderPrime12 chapter 62 . 8/4
Excellent chapter
Antonio Manco chapter 62 . 8/4
Of all the battles we've had, this was the hypest
MrSunshine744 chapter 62 . 8/4
damn, that was an awesome chapter!
Bones is AFK chapter 62 . 8/3
Oh shit. No1 packed anti sub equipment when they left. And the destroyers just left chasing aircraft. Engage the torpedoe beat!
joeyginise chapter 62 . 8/3
You are straight up sending subs to kill, enterprise presumably. Stop it. Also it makes me mad that neither Kaga nor Akagi died.

This battle was sufficiently epic. But I am still having difficulty picturing Naval battles in my head. So, is Yorktown dead? And a side note, 5 internet bucks says Tennessee hates Humans a little less because of the war story.

I have no idea what too make of this battle. Allied victory? Or a costly one? It doesn't really matter in the end as the Essex sisters should be coming online soon, as well as the Iowas. Akagi and her minions are fucked. That's not accounting for shear number of Fletchers that should be out there soon enough. Soon enough we can all laugh and point as the Yamatos just explode like the engineering disappointments they are. The Suragou strait is still going to be a smackdown though.

Go Thorson, Dunk those foxes. And beware the Corsair.
MrSunshine744 chapter 61 . 8/2
damn, what a read this is! you have been so very imaginative with a plot that was practically non existent in the mobile game and then pulled this out? brilliant, I've found myself really invested in the story you've created here! cant wait for more!
Ruberforumfree chapter 8 . 7/27
You know, Shiranui in the game is actually alive XD if you put her as your secretary and than touch her it start her Event and in one dialogue a ship girl ask her if she was actually a Ghost and she said "Are you an idiot?" That tells me she was actually joking the entire time xD
Primordial Inscriptor Z-09 chapter 61 . 7/25
Time to fish up some new comrades!
Agris the demon chapter 61 . 7/17
Okay this thing is pure gold
dylan.multiverse chapter 61 . 7/13
1. To think with Hornet out of the picture, Enterprise would charge into the fray, even if it means disobeying Spruance.
2. Of all the time and place for Thorson and Fusou to be alone in the captain's quarters, they had to do it in the middle of battle? Seriously, think of the destroyers! I'm pretty sure the enemy would notice either! Okay, the next shipgirl to be put to bed would be Ark Royal, but save it till after the battle.
E-kingmoney18 chapter 61 . 7/13
Once again, a great story
Johnzgamez chapter 61 . 7/13
A) why you make me horny. B) WHY YOU MAKE ME CRY?!
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