Reviews for Tomb of Roses
KuriKashi chapter 14 . 6/21
This is getting interesting!
LadybugGrace3 chapter 14 . 6/15
Ooooh I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Mitsuko Nanahara chapter 14 . 6/9
Great chapter! The suspense is killing me *in a good way*
Green Alba chapter 14 . 6/9
Oh you've uploaded another chapter while I left my last review. I take back what I said, things start to move on and we have a little more than a teaser. Glad Mikoto defended herself, but since you asked, I didn't realised that Sasuke had witnessed the abuse in the chap before. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Good work.
Green Alba chapter 13 . 6/8
Good chapters especially number 12. It was nice to have a slightly different chapter in a different setting (the library) and with different people (Tsunade). I'm not gonna lie, your plot is enticing and I really want to love or hate your characters but they always feel like teasers to me... The chapters tend to be on the short side, same with the characters' interactions and the biggest leap forward in your story so far has been Itachi learning the truth. I just want to read more! I'm happy to hear that you have finalised the story, goid to know we'll see this fic to completion!
Guest chapter 14 . 6/8
Great peak. I like that Mikoto burned it dow. So curious how it has happened. Hmm Itacht is not that open. He may trusts Sakura more than the Hokage. But Hokage has more power to help but would lead to more conflicts. Sakura is closer to him. Wouldshe heal her when she sees the wounds or Itachi would ask her? Hmm i hope thst you gonna write about little Sasuke and would like to see that he accepst her or warms up to her. He could be so cute. :)
ItaSaku99 chapter 14 . 6/8
I am assuming that the grave was Sakura's though I am not sure of it... Tsunade did say that there will be a price to pay... Its starting to get interesting...
I'mAlsoAWe chapter 14 . 6/8
I'll be waiting for more!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/8
Can sakura beat up Fukagu and Itachi kill him. Sure it would also solve the coupe because Itachi would be the head of the clan and his threat would shut up the council. I hate his character how can he treat Mikoto like that. Years of abuse makes a person submissive but is it not possible that she poisons him? Pleasee continue writing and hopefully he gets a painful death in the story
Mitsuko Nanahara chapter 13 . 6/8
- Super sweet fluff
This is a cool twist to the usual time travel stories out there.
Can't wait for more!
YessCristopher chapter 13 . 6/7
I like it! God Fuguku really needs someone to teachs him how repect Mikoto , the story is great! I would like to read more chapters!
ItaSaku99 chapter 13 . 6/7
I do believe in your "Hokage is an ass opinion"... Seriously I don't remember anything he did being an Hokage to be right...He didn't kill orochimaru when he could... Or let Danzo do anything he wants... also he let Naruto to be treated as an monster... and the most cruel he let an 13 year old massacre his own clan...How can he be called an hokage in the first place... Looking forward to see what plans Itachi and Sakura will make to stop the massacre...And also I wonder what price Sakura will have to pay as Tsunade told...
I'mAlsoAWe chapter 13 . 6/7
Thank you for updating! I'll be waiting for more!
KuriKashi chapter 1 . 4/13
Damn. This is good. I really like how you set out the first chapter and the tone. You can feel the closeness.
MoonflowerDaydreamer chapter 12 . 9/3/2019
This is really good
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