Reviews for The Flames Of Winter
TheAttemptedWriter chapter 17 . 6/29
I like that you didn't have the Smalljon just turn on Rickon, that he was found out. It smells of loyalty, and I feel he'll be useful.
TheAttemptedWriter chapter 16 . 6/29
Kings guard really is not a great position for Arya. However, I imagine they could easily make a new role for her on his small council. A partner for the Master of Whispers, named the Master of Subterfuge. Dealing in assassination, blackmail, etc, while the master of whispers deals in information and spies.
TheAttemptedWriter chapter 12 . 6/29
It doesn't matter if the Greatjon isn't Infallible. One of his main focuses was protecting his king, meaning he was paying attention. And unless the sword went into his neck, a single bolton would never be able to bring him down. As I said before, he'd be cut in half.
TheAttemptedWriter chapter 11 . 6/29
Eh. Kinda wish you had changed Grey Wind dying so he could've joined Jon and Ghost in the escape. And I'm sorry, but the Greatjon is supposed to be massive, in the same league as the Mountain. Except he's smarter and still a great warrior. A single Bolton cutting him down would never happen. While armed he'd cut that Bolton in half.
wolfm33 chapter 24 . 5/30
Too bad you decided to quit this excellent story. However i understand and share your disappointment with what happened with the show and the butchering that season 8 brought to our beloved characters.
Ariana Deralte chapter 24 . 5/19
Thanks for telling us how it would have ended. I don't think I'd have ever finished reading since I don't like bittersweet endings, but seeing it in summary form isn't bad. Honestly, the only questionable thing I see is that you had Jon leave only a female heir which leaves the realm precarious since Westeros is sexist. I actually think killing Arya is a pretty good move on author's parts. I did think GOT was always going to end with Jon dead but having produced a heir. After season 8, I no longer care one way or another lol. Thanks for writing!
arashishizen chapter 24 . 5/6
This story is written very well, it’s unfortunate you won’t complete it
maschl chapter 2 . 4/19
Interesting premise, and overall well written. I'm hooked. I only hope you'll figure out the difference between You're and Your in the following chapters as you write more ;)
MiharuTousaka chapter 15 . 4/5
Tried to find Lilac Eyes and couldn’t. RIPw;
cloudstrife117 chapter 23 . 3/28
Why bother? Probably won't finish that either.
Igniferroque chapter 18 . 3/8
I support the Jon and Margaery pairing!
tonywarrior chapter 24 . 3/6
La verdad fue decepcionante saber que este es el último capítulo, sin terminar. Aparte de eso el final para Jon snow en casi todo lo que he leído es triste, muere o se queda sin nada... tengo más que decir pero no las ganas.s I lo resumo a una palabra seri: triste
Duncan chapter 5 . 3/4
I'm out. Far too close to canon for no reason. The bits you've inserted feel crammed in as a result. Nothing in this story makes sense and the dialogue is mostly from the book or the series. That's called plagiarism.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/4
I'll give this a couple more chapters to straighten out and start making sense. I really don't like stories where everyone thinks they know what's best for Jon, but refuse to actually tell him the truth or give a legitimate reason as to why he can't do something. It reeks of drama for drama's sake. There is little sense in not telling Jon who he really is at this point in his life. Especially when they want him to carry out a duty to the watch, but not be a member of the watch or stay at the wall. All it creates is a moment later on when Jon blows up at everyone for keeping a secret and then whining about not wanting the throne and that's not who he is and yada yada. Seen it too many times.
cravensvt chapter 24 . 2/29
Glad you bailed on the story, the plan for the ending is crap, last season of the show type crap.
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