Reviews for Metallurgy
AlphaKenny1 chapter 19 . 13h
Love the story, can’t wait to see the next update.
pwtcmcneil chapter 19 . 18h
you know, the fact bakugo had any rescue points was the biggest sign that they had change for the better, great work, and I can't wait for more.
AlphaKenny1 chapter 3 . 7/30
You right you can’t right children, But damn you are really good at writing dialogue, amazingly good actually, where on chapter 3 and I already love both of them.
AlphaKenny1 chapter 2 . 7/29
From all the fics giving Izuko a quirk, this is by far the most “unique” or seem’s lame yet I can imagine it having many uses
ProminentDawn chapter 19 . 7/16
So OFA instead boosts his Quicksteel? That's dope. Hope you come back with another update soon!
lnept chapter 5 . 7/15
When I saw the chapter title I thought he'd learn to use his quicksilver as a sword, but no, it's fucking Stain. Crazy good writing by the way, very few errors.
ray chapter 19 . 7/13
I love the overall story but i do kind of wish that izuku would face some more challenges it kind of feels like between him and bakugou everyone else is a side character to be crushed under their boot mostly i hope that katsumi get Enlighted a bit maybe when kirishima unlocks his unbreakable form
RiceCakePlayz chapter 19 . 7/13
love the fic, beggin for more!
diamondgod77777777 chapter 19 . 7/12
Some kind of magnetism or metal control? In any case the good work!
Guest chapter 19 . 7/6
You know what fuck this story. You make them too fucking OP and everyone is in aw of them. I was interested in the Female Bakugou aspect of this story but you basically overhauled her character. And why the fuck are they in university? You couldn't fucking keep the highschool aspects? Now when they act like angsty teenagers going through puberty am I supposed to think they are 18/19? The fact that they now have a first kiss over how many fucking years is astounding. And the fact that she chickened out is stupid as fuck like how Deku doesn't want to fucking use his quirk during the test thing just to show how "EPIC" he is as looking like a greek god or something like that. You constantly create moments where everyone will be at awe of him and make him "EPIC" Who cares if he lost a hand he is still "EPIC" and I don't even fucking know why All might gave him One for All only to make him more "EPIC" It's like right now Deku is basically as capable as Mirio why give Deku the power? he doesn't even fucking need it because you write him and everything he does as "EPIC"
JKingSniper chapter 10 . 7/8
ahahaha Bakugou sympathies with Jiro
JKingSniper chapter 9 . 7/8
this is great
loving the interaction
Jjjoijieir chapter 19 . 7/6
Love it ;)
mckertis chapter 1 . 7/2
Havent started reading this yet, but come on, Total Command is a terribly written story, the further it goes - the worse the writing gets. If that's your standard - you need to read more and get a better taste.
Jdkem chapter 19 . 6/28
Loved it! Can’t wait for the next update! Keep up the good work! And I hope you and your fam and friends are in good health during this tumultuous time!
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