Reviews for Love Brings Us Together
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2019
Plaren and Spandy are the best couples of the show
Skillet-Writer chapter 1 . 3/13/2019
I actually felt like I was watching an episode. The jokes were funny, and the message was sweet. Squidward’s scenes were hilarious!
xXNorwegian GirlXx chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
I love these two xD
good job! ;o
America's Got Fandom chapter 1 . 3/7/2019

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS! YOU'RE THE BEST! I started laughing and got all giddy when I saw this was made AND it was for me! THANK YOU YOU'RE AWESOME!

This was ADORABLE! You didn't fail at all, I LOOOVED IT! Dang I wish there was a level above caps. Ok, I've always been disappointed with the lack of PlanktonxKaren out there, and YOU MADE A REALLY REALLY GOOD ONE! And Spandy too?! Dude, that was the icing on the cake, seriously.

Spongebob's reaction at the end was PERFECT, loved the asteroid joke and then they were like 'How should we spend the last twelve days?" "Well..." TOO CUTE!

You're the BEST!
AtomicFlounder chapter 1 . 3/7/2019
So is the asteroid big enough to destory the planet? So would these be like their last days or would sandy figure something out in those.. 12 days..

Or is it just a small one..

Lol cuz if its big enough n headed towards them, n it could kill them.. They are acting surprisingly calm lol
Gare-Devil99 chapter 1 . 3/7/2019
Aww, Plankton and Karen are such an odd but sweet couple. Nice work. :)
Tanalbi chapter 1 . 3/7/2019
PLankton's such a fiend xD

Nice story, honey-cakes xD