Reviews for Obi-Wan Apologizes
Amnesia777 chapter 13 . 8/20
Pink ranger 13 chapter 12 . 5/28
It’s a great story and please continue the story
BenRG chapter 12 . 5/6
Palpatine lied to Vader. He dared to turn him against his Angel and his children and misled him into killing Padme and torturing Leia. For this, he will die (in agony). However, first he will know nothing but torment and humiliation for as long as Vader and his children find it amusing to inflict it on him. For, whilst the way of the Sith is revenge, the way of the Skywalker is to make it prolonged, unending and utterly unhinged!
BenRG chapter 11 . 5/6
I think that Vader is... intrigued as well as angry. Like any good (bad?) Sith Apprentice, he is always looking for allies to turn on his Master. These 'pranksters' are clearly powerful, organised and determined people to know what they know and do what they did. He really wants to know if they are of use to him before he takes the irrevocable step of killing them.

What he doesn't know is that he's about to walk smack bang into a revelation even greater and more wonderful (and terrible) than he could imagine!
BenRG chapter 10 . 5/6
If there is one thing a Corellian understands, it is that family is sacrosanct. Vader betrayed his family and was continuing to do so. A little humiliation was more than his just wage for that. The only reason why he wasn't going to end up dead was because he only did it because he was kind of dumb when it came to threats to his wife's safety.
BenRG chapter 9 . 5/6
"Darth Vader is three ewoks standing on each other's shoulders!"

This particular rumour had the curious consequence of making the phrase "Yub-yub, Lord Vader!" a capital offence for a few days. As for Vader himself, he found that he'd somehow developed a nervous twitch in his right eye, something that made him glad for his all-concealing respiration mask. He was also developing paranoid ideations about the crew of the Executor giggling behind his back whenever he walked past them. The rate of summary executions on the super star destroyer had begun to edge up quite sharply.
BenRG chapter 8 . 5/6
Send out squadrons of Y-Wings with pink paint bombs and attack every Imperial garrison structure in the Outer Rim. The Empire would run itself ragged trying to deal with raids like this.
BenRG chapter 7 . 5/6
It would surprise Vader to learn that Sideous also had this information and that he fully expected his Apprentice's betrayal. It was the Way of the Sith, after all!
BenRG chapter 6 . 5/6
Qui-Gon was always a light-grey Jedi. I think that he would regard chaos in the name of good to be a fine antidote to Palpatine's dark Order.

Oh, and I think that Yoda will teach the twins the discipline that they need to really start doing damage.
BenRG chapter 5 . 5/6
I suppose we're going to have to thank Bail Organa for Leia's taste for the dramatic?
LeiaMcGonagall chapter 12 . 4/20
This is great! I've got a few ideas I'll PM your way...
devildogg237 chapter 12 . 4/18
Hell yeah!

Can’t wait for more.
Lora Kael chapter 12 . 4/1
He he he... This is so silly (although this particular chapter isn't quite as silly) and it just gives me a chuckle.
This can only turn out really badly for the Empire.
brookeyy14 chapter 12 . 3/31
YES! i was so excited to see this updated! loved the reveal and how calmly vader took it can’t wait for more!
brookeyy14 chapter 11 . 3/31
so glad i found this story! i absolutely love it. I really hope you update soon, I can’t wait to see the skywalker family reunion!
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