Reviews for Requisition
iwish328 chapter 8 . 9/4
The only ones i could believe could possibly be in love with him are Green his childhood friend who would have more than enough time to fall in love with him and Jasmine who's at least had more time to talk to him then all these other girls that haven't even talked to him for more than 2 seconds. I can believe 1 or 2 girls getting a crush on him but every girl he meets is ridiculous. Sorry for ranting at u but i see this annoying harem shit all the time and i'm kinda tired of it tbh.
iwish328 chapter 8 . 9/4
This is like the twentieth time u described red's eyes and how much power he eludes at all times. ilI get that he's strong and cool and shit but after the fifth time u most certainly did not have to mention it again. I also think u could've just had a whole arc at the beginning about what he did on Mt. Silver and it would have been way less annoying about the flashbacks earlier on in the story. I also don't understand why girls that aren't even slightly important just drooling over him. Are u just trying to show that he's hot cause if nothing is going to happen with those girls why are u even bothering to write what their reactions are to him. i ran out of space i think so imma finish this in another review
iwish328 chapter 5 . 9/1
too many flashbacks and girls falling on his dick for no reason
Morningstar lucifer chapter 1 . 8/26
wonder what will happen to red charizard if he mega evolve it?
Morningstar lucifer chapter 9 . 8/26
completely op
Morningstar lucifer chapter 9 . 8/26
what do you expect from red charizard eh
patrickjoyce82 chapter 9 . 8/25
just reinforces to me that gen 8 is so lore and world breaking... oof.
RandomReview chapter 9 . 8/22
Gotta say that "weak" was nicely delivered.
Matemeo3 chapter 9 . 8/20
I had to go searching for the right song in order to watch that Red vs. Leon battle. Then when Leon made that ignorant comment, I had to restart the song and play it louder. It was V's theme from DMC, and it made the scene all the more cathartic. Great delivery. However, lets not forget that suprising confession from Zinnia, the soft and well deserved handling of Melony's plight, and Phermosa's suprising reappearance and offer.

Thank you for the chapter, and thank you for giving us readers this story.
NobodyOwens5 chapter 9 . 8/20
nice chapter, very cute. also, Rip Leon.
Clockwork chapter 9 . 8/20
Thank you so much for putting Leon in his place and finally giving the world a taste of Charizard.

I was a bit worried about worried about that Meloney segment because I thought she was another one for the harem, but I was both surprised and enjoyed the mother-like dynamic she has with Red instead.

And can I say that I hate OP protagonist with the exception of your’s because you write them so well? I am shaking for more.
monkiepawn chapter 9 . 8/20
Damn, why does it have to be the silent type of character the one who deals with all that non written rules about battle that everyone follow like gospel? Hope someone who knows Red explains it to those as you said, all is black and white people.

Finally a cliffhanger that leaves you wanting for more but not mad about it :D
Thanks for the update!
Vsantos99 chapter 9 . 8/19
This is one of my favorite stories bout red I’m not gonna lie I’m completely sucked into the story and I can’t wait for the next chapter
deoxeyses chapter 9 . 8/19
Very nice, probably the best chapter so far
deoxeyses chapter 8 . 8/19
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