Reviews for With Regard To Mrs Bennet
roxbruk chapter 6 . 7/16
Oh my! I pray things are better for you and yours!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/15
I am grateful for your writing - amber the change Elizabeth is taking toSeriously and proactively Change her character... I feel for you during your RL challenges and will keep you in my prayers and mind. There are So many challenges are going on, I am grateful for any of your updates. You are not alone
Yamauchi chapter 6 . 7/14
Oh no, you poor thing! That is so much, too much for someone to go through. With all of the pain, frustration, worry & sadness you are going through I truly hope you are not doing this alone. It’s so kind of you to give us an update when your plate is so full. Thank you for that & know that I will keep you in my prayers.
kassiesbeach chapter 6 . 7/14
3. So sorry life is rough right now.
nanciellen chapter 6 . 7/14
Thank you for your note about the status of the story. I am sorry to hear about the sorrow in your life. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Don't worry about the story. You and your health, the people you care for so much more important. Thank you again.
Motherof8 chapter 6 . 7/14
Dear are in my prayers. Take care.
Joan G. Brand chapter 6 . 7/14
You have had more than your share of real life! I pray that things settle down for you soon. As someone who has experienced a miscarriage, I understand your pain, and I pray for your healing.
Laura 001 chapter 6 . 7/14
My most heartfelt condolences, what truely wretched happenings! Your stories and writing are brilliant and I'm sure I'm not alone in being happy to patiently wait until things improve. I hope the renovations are successful!
EmilyWoods chapter 6 . 7/13
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Regency1914 chapter 6 . 7/13
So sorry you have been experiencing pain of the most devastating sort. To have mental or physical pain is hurtful, but to have both is sometimes too much. Glad you are doing better and continue to improve. Add updates when you can, but take care of yourself first, Anne. 3
Kaohing chapter 6 . 7/13
I’m so sorry to hear of all the trials you are going through. I think I sometimes forget that authors/writers are human and have the same problems that we all do. You have my deepest sympathies.
Lauramari chapter 2 . 7/13
I think I can understand Jane here, even though using a poker seems too much. Hopefully, it sounds worse than it was and she did no permanent harm. I think there is more backstory though. I suspect that Lydia’s behavior at the assembly was just the last straw after much bad behavior. That explains why the other four girls took unprecedented steps to stand up to the unholy alliance that was their mother and Lydia. I don’t feel sorry for Lydia, on the contrary, maybe she now has a shot at a better life than she would have had had her mother remained in control. Lydia was mrs. bennet’s favorite in canon (and I suspect here too despite what Lydia asserted). But what good Mrs. Bennet’s indulgence do for her? Lydia’s May have had a charmed life from birth to 16, but oh, how she must have suffered after “eloping” with Wickham!
LygiaLee chapter 6 . 7/13
I'm so sorry for all the stress and pain! I know how terrible it is to miscarry a year apart. We actually made the hard decision not to try again after that. Sending love and healing to you and yours.
Lauramari chapter 1 . 7/13
Wow. You covered a lot of ground in this chapter. While advancing the action, we have also quickly come to know the characters of each member of the family and something of the interpersonal dynamics. Great start setting up what promises to be an intriguing story.
eelarahs chapter 6 . 7/13
Sorry to hear all you are going through. We will still be here when you post the next chapter!
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