Reviews for Resurrection Of The Supreme King Haou Judai
Mystic Bluefrost chapter 4 . 5/28/2019
I am not a fan of Jesse. Jesse and Jaden have way too much in common when it comes to Duel Monsters.
I didn't like how Jesse became Jaden's best friend over Syrus.
Jaden felt guilty because Yubel was involved with Jesse's disappearance. He had to save him.
I think everyone had a part of being blamed. Everybody signed up into the Dark World. Jaden shouldn't have left them to find Jesse. It is better to stand together than being by yourself, and the outcome would have been different. Super Polymerization probably wouldn't have been created due to it needed different negative emotions toward Jaden.
Jaden tried to save them by losing the duel.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/28/2019
Please update
presea221 chapter 4 . 5/28/2019
I like how you are doing all of these points of view for the characters. It will make it easier to know how everyone is feeling once you get to the big conversation that they all need to have. Nice job!
Dark Serafina chapter 4 . 5/28/2019
Seriously can't wait to see Aster give them a piece of his mind. I can understand why Jaden held Jesse in high regard: one reason is that he knew what Yubel was fully capable of doing to Jesse. Two Jesse is the first friend Jaden ever had who he could relate to in terms of dueling style and being able to see spirits. Chazz doesn't count see he didn't like having the Ojamas.
Time Thief chapter 3 . 5/21/2019
I know you were nervous about Syrus coming off as petty here but I think the jealousy and regret he expresses is very human. Same with his reactions and interactions with Aster. The awkward air between them is fitting too since so many of them have to interact for the first time after What Happened(tm). Anyway, excited for what’s to come!
Time Thief chapter 2 . 5/21/2019
For this chapter, idk if I’ve mentioned it, but Aster’s perspective is my favorite. Maybe it’s just my bias but how you balance his anger and tough love type personality comes off really well
Time Thief chapter 1 . 5/21/2019
If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times: your handling of the characters’ emotions in times of anguish is equal parts deft and beautiful
Debra chapter 3 . 5/17/2019
When Jaden comes back, will his Duel Monsters be angry at his friends for taking advantage of his kindness and friendship?
presea221 chapter 3 . 5/10/2019
It was nice to see Syrus' thoughts about Jesse and what went on in Darkworld. Jesse sort of stole the whole "best friend show" from Syrus and the others, so the resentment at first was easy to understand. But I like how Syrus is mature here. And Aster is going to give them a piece of his mind, huh? That will be good!
Dark Serafina chapter 3 . 5/8/2019
Yes! I am so happy that Aster will be giving the group a piece of his mind. I can't wait to see that scene.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/8/2019
Please update
Debra chapter 3 . 5/7/2019
It's really beautifully well done.
Debra chapter 2 . 5/5/2019
I hope that you didn't forget this beautiful fanfic yet, have you? I really love this story! Things will be different from now with Jaden and the others.
Debra chapter 2 . 4/17/2019
When Aster ask Syrus about happened in the Dark World, will the latter reveal what he knows to the former? This story is really gotten good. The angst and sorrow in this story and how everyone is feeling is really awesome.
Debra chapter 2 . 4/16/2019
Please, update soon. I wonder how Jaden's doing? He's probably going through some things on his own. Is the Supreme King going to make another appearance to take over Jaden's body again. How about when the Supreme King tells Jaden that everything was the latter's fault that his friends died and as well being selfish for trying to find one person who possibly dead.

I kinda want all of Jaden's monsters to play some roles in your story but I know that only you can decide that. But if you do it, I'll be so pleased. Many stories in this fandom don't really focus on the Duel Spirits themselves despite the anime showing that they are living beings that are capable of thoughts and emotions like their duelists. Personally, I believe that the Elemental Heroes, Neo Spacians, Winged Kuriboh, Yubel, and more of Jaden's monsters are really angry at his friends for treating him horribly when his mental health began to crumble.

I personally see that they might forgive Syrus because he was beginning to see that idolize on Jaden was a bad idea because the latter ended up with the burden of always saving everyone on his shoulder ended up breaking him because of weight it carries.
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