Reviews for Shrouded Secrets
AlanLoo chapter 1 . 5/3
Thank you! This fanfic is very interesting. I hope you are well
Senseo chapter 9 . 4/25
"Eventually, like the Dark Lord's thirst for power, Dumbledore's undying support for liberalism would have to be dealt with; but for now the man was in a position of significant power and he was not above using illegal means to combat the Dark Lord if he proves to be too much of a risk too quickly."

This piece puzzles me. Your version of Harry seems to feel a very deep anger about the state of the wizarding world. How nothing's changed for centuries and the amount of knowledge, skill and understanding of magic and science has even regressed over the years. Especially since the statue of secrecy and how the stupid conservatism of the pureblood culture has been highly influential to it all.

And then you say that "Dumbledore's undying support for liberalism has to be dealt with" ?... You have me truly confused. Is it a typo or...? If not liberalism then what exactly does your near-OC Harry Potter have in mind to advance the state of the wizarding world?

Liberalism according to wikipedia:

1. Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.

2. a person who is liberal: such as. a : one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways. b capitalized

3. Liberalism aims to disperse power, to foster diversity and to nurture creativity.

Your version of Harry sounds pretty liberal mate. Of course, it could be that Dumbledore is an extreme-liberal. That he believes exposing the wizarding world would be a good idea and that magicals and non-magicals could live together at the point of time in the story, then your comments would make sense. But that isn't what's written or hinted at so, I'm confused.

Perhaps your view of liberalism is tainted by certain individuals, just like the same thing happened to feminism?

I've been greatly enjoying this fic, even if some decisions Harry makes are downright stupid (like not killing Voldemort). I've been enjoying it mainly for its uniqueness but you have to be careful not to let personal political views cloud your vision for the story and how your characters would logically act. That's actually the biggest reason I dropped the story 'for love of magic'. The author of that fic went on this entire childish political crusade insulting everything British, Asian, African or Muslim. While I know you won't do that and it's an extreme example, I'm just saying to watch out for it.

Anyway, hope this gets a response and you continue writing.
Senseo chapter 1 . 8/13/2019
Super fascinating and unique. Very well written. I eagerly anticipate an update.
pemusaur chapter 18 . 7/5/2019
I truly enjoy this story, whilst I agree with some other reviewers that it is light on character development, I feel like that isn't quite what you're trying to do with it, instead focussing on theoretical concepts, to that end I would propose a mystery to explore; namely the lack of electrical things in the wizarding world.

We are told that magic interferes with electricity but even if that were true it could not possibly be an all encompassing truth or magic would interfere with the electrical signals created by the brain. This means that magic either interacts with the brain or something else must be stopping electrical devices from working.

you could explore a small aspect of the lore in this regard with mad-eye's eye. comparing it to brain computer interface (BCI) technology as evidence that electronics must be capable of working around magic. that could possibly become another example of suppressed knowledge from the mysterious antagonist. (though I'm unsure on your endgame at this stage so postulating a 'why' would have to come from you).

I also deeply enjoyed Rowena's brief segue into linguistics in an earlier chapter, it's interesting that our capacity for improvement as a species is limited by our ability to think and vast increases in knowledge and understanding of the world have almost always been coupled with a new form of language in which to do so. cave drawings, pictograms, then modern language i.e. latin or Greek and most recently using mathematics as language as computer systems do. I would postulate that part of the suppressed knowledge that peverell hid would be a new language of magic of some description.

Anyway, I truly appreciate your story as one of the most unique I have read and by far one of the most intelligent.
maile1 chapter 18 . 5/26/2019
truly a unique fanfiction, thank you for writing
Benjamin chapter 18 . 5/7/2019
This is fantastic.

Really different from all other fanfictions I've read.

I hope you keep writing it.

Thank you
hdres chapter 8 . 5/8/2019
This is a genuinely original story. The snippets of historical texts are very well done and introduce fascinating concepts on the history of the magical world. The writing is clear and well paced and you have introduced a realistic challenge for this Harry. I am excited to read more and find out where you take this. Thank you for sharing your ideas.
hdres chapter 5 . 5/8/2019
A fascinating beginning. I am enjoying the different ideas of magic that you are exploring in this story. It will be interesting to see how Harry interacts with others and if you make him a sympathetic character. Thank you for sharing your story.
KnowPein chapter 18 . 4/25/2019

Great work

Wonder where it will take us...
Marisares chapter 18 . 4/24/2019
I find it hard to believe that Harry wouldn't have gained knowledge and understanding from the ruby stone. After all he appeared to actually LIVE the experience not just view it so it stands he would gained at the very least whatever knowledge was used for those two instances and that would've been quite a lot when followed to its logical conclusion. Also why would someone leave such a thing and NOT leave his knowledge? Even if they didn't leave it all it still like I said would've been a lot.
Anon chapter 18 . 4/22/2019
Not sure where the story is going but I love it! I always thought the magic in HP seemed whimsical and your explanation makes sense- magic is supposed to be powerful, unpredictable even, but the WW lets their children play with it like a toy. Your mystery is spot on imo! Keep up the great story!
TheGrimoireKeeper chapter 18 . 4/22/2019
I just binge read this story. It's a relief to read something off the beaten path. I applaud your efforts to provide logical solutions to the so called "magical" problems. I'm only confused about Harry's far it's not been showcased to the general public. Is this something to look forward to in future chapters?
geekymom chapter 18 . 4/22/2019
Fantastic chapter!
x2leoj chapter 18 . 4/22/2019
The plot is really progressing now. Looking forward to seeing who the main enemy is.
Aguy.SB chapter 17 . 4/21/2019
This is one of the cleverest, most sophisticated HP fanfics I've ever read (and I've likely read thousands). Really nice job, and please keep it up!
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