Reviews for The Forest Between
Guest chapter 1 . 4/2/2019
Every good shepard moment must end with one "I should go". So it did.
VendettaSmiles chapter 1 . 4/1/2019
I knew Genesis was going to show up just as soon as poetry came into the scene! Nice for him to finally branch out... and nice for Shepard to finally have a sense of contentment.

Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2019
Thank you for this. The entire N7 fanfic is truly a hidden gem. I'm left feeling melancholy after reading this. I can only imagine what Shepard must be feeling from the aftermath of ME3 and your fic. In a way, I'm truly glad Shepard herself found happiness. Sephiroth too. After all the hardship and scars.

All the best to you dear author.
Luna's Child fanfic chapter 1 . 3/31/2019
I hope the release of this short story means that N7 will at last be updated. I'm so excited for the last chapter and how you'll bring such an excellent story to an end. I truly admire your ability to blend two different universes together, and with the ability for it to make sense.

Keep on writing, you amazing kiwi. 3