Reviews for The Rest of Forever
SSJ Leia chapter 18 . 6/20/2019
OMG AT LAST. Slow burn, indeed, but they got there. :D This ending was perfect. I'm sad this fic is over, but I've so enjoyed reading it, and I look forward to your future stories.
crankyman7 chapter 18 . 6/19/2019
Well, they finally sucked face. Took them long enough.


Well done.
SSJ Leia chapter 17 . 6/17/2019
This whole chapter had me going AWW and melting a little bit. I'm glad they made up! I appreciate how you've drawn both Taffyta and Vanellope as complex and multidimensional characters, both of whom have made mistakes and done selfish things but who are ultimately invested in making their friendship work. It rings very true.
crankyman7 chapter 17 . 6/16/2019
For what you were going for, this was elegantly done.
SSJ Leia chapter 16 . 6/13/2019
Aww! They shook hands! I think "absence of outright malice" is the best that relationship is going to get, and I will take it. XD I love how all four of them worked together to triumph here.
crankyman7 chapter 16 . 6/12/2019
Nice little touch, the walls screaming.
SSJ Leia chapter 15 . 6/12/2019
Riveting chapter. I love how they all experienced visions of their deepest nightmares - now I'm wondering what the others saw. And bam, that ending...somehow I doubt a gun can take down a virus, but it was still so satisfying.

"What was it with her and men who loved the sounds of their own voices?" This made me LOL, but also think about how Malcolm is a representation of what Turbo could have become, if he'd stayed evil and vengeful rather than making the choice to try to be a better person. He was basically already there as the Cy-Bug. Glad you made him go another route. What is it with me and redeemed villains? :P 3
crankyman7 chapter 15 . 6/10/2019
That chapter ended with a bang.
SSJ Leia chapter 14 . 5/28/2019
Great chapter - we get some nice bug-killing action plus a tender scene at the end. Every time these two are alone together I'm like JUST KISS ALREADY! You're tormenting me. In a good way. :P
crankyman7 chapter 14 . 5/25/2019
Taffyta, you must not have seen enough movies, or you'd have known the bug wasn't quite dead yet.
SSJ Leia chapter 13 . 5/22/2019
And there it is! YIKES! This was a great, action-packed chapter. Malcolm's reappearance was creepy as always, and I liked the description of the power surge.

"That choosing to be King Candy was the physical manifestation of choosing to be a better person." I liked this line. I figured that's why he chose to remain in that persona, but it was nice to have it affirmed. He really does seem to be trying. You also have some good character development for Taffyta here, with her self-doubts about whether part of the virus may be in her. Seems both she and King Candy are dealing with similar identity issues.

Can't wait for more!
crankyman7 chapter 13 . 5/21/2019
I guess they need to bug out right about now.
SSJ Leia chapter 12 . 5/20/2019
This was a nice change of pace; a bit of a reprieve, which I think we needed after the intensity of the last chapter. I enjoyed hearing about how Turbo escaped from RoadBlasters. Also, I'm even more curious about the bugs now because we still haven't SEEN them. They're not Cy-Bugs, so are they bugs as in viruses? Or bugs as in actual real-life bugs that crawled into the power strip? Either way, *shudder.*
crankyman7 chapter 12 . 5/17/2019
Nice and relaxing to read...for me. Well done.
SSJ Leia chapter 11 . 5/13/2019
Oh, ladies, you picked the WRONG TIME for a shouting match. :D I loved it though. At first I felt Vanellope was overreacting, because it seems to me she would have at least suspected Taffyta had feelings for King Candy. And would she view that as more of a betrayal than being friends with him already is? But I also see that both she and Taffyta are venting stuff at each other that's been pent up for a long time - maybe that was just the trigger for the explosion that was waiting to happen. Anyway, great chapter!
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