Reviews for Nothing Left to Say
lexben10fan chapter 1 . 8/10
This is the first story I heard from you I really liked it it almost made me cry a few times keep up the great job
AlikepicLapras0128 chapter 1 . 6/19
This is my 4th time reading this and the scene were he admits he reversed mass genocide hurts

Well written
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9
Oh loord wow I loved this fic!
So well written, so nice!
I loved how you expanded the idea of Ben recreating the universe by adding how it impacted him and people closest to him.
This is a good quality angst, thank you for it.
writerzero chapter 1 . 12/18/2019
Wow! This has me floored. Amazing work.
Zeta Grey chapter 1 . 12/7/2019
Booo~. I was expecting a confession of forbidden tennicest love... nvm.
TheShipper3215 chapter 1 . 12/6/2019
Holy fuck. Again. I am absolutely amazed at your writing. This made me hurt. So much. Each scene was just so raw. So full of emotion. Untamed and painful. And I loved it. So darn much. My favourite type of writing is when authors do this. What you’ve done here and what you’ve done in your other stories. Raw emotion written realistically and built around the CHARACTERS. I’m sorry I’m basically going on a rant but I adored this piece. It, in some ways, is better than published novels I have read. Thank you for taking your time to write this. I’ve honestly been so unlucky with Fan fictions recently and then there was just THIS. My heart aches and just- beautiful writing. Absolutely gorgeous. Wonderful job.
entity9silvergen chapter 1 . 10/6/2019
Oh man. I was grinning like a cat since I started reading this. And flapping my hands around in excitement. And hugging myself. And mentally squealing and gushing. Fantastic story.

When I started reading this I was like "Truth potion? That's dumb." And then I kept scrolling and realized this was over 15,000 words and I realized that there was more to it than just that. You actually delved into Ben's feelings incredibly well and this was remarkably written.

Ben being upset about Kevin and Gwen leaving is something I've seen plenty of times but never like this. This was a whole deeper level. The feeling of betrayal and hurt on that level is something I would not have expected and the fact that Ben considers having Rook as a partner better than having a team touched my heart but also tore it apart.

The universe being recreated thing is something I thought a lot about during the show. Of course, it's a children's cartoon so obviously they weren't about to put in an existential crisis but it's something I thought about. Ben recreated everyone he knew. The entire universe. It was touched on in one of the comics. Ben's subconscious wanted to change one of his friends (whose name I can't remember) so he pulled a different version of her from another universe into his own. But he did create everyone else too and I vaguely wondered if Ben changed something fundamental about Rook or Argit or any of the characters but I never really thought about it on a higher level than that or for more than a few seconds after watching the episode where he did it.

The entire series ended up different and Ben has to live with knowing that anything that happens might have been influenced by what he did. I never thought about that and your oneshot opened that up to me in a way I don't think anyone else could have.

Gwen's thoughts regarding Ben's past behavior is something I've never seen. I mean, they're cousins so of course she has picked up on Ben's emotions and is sensitive to his changes but it is touching that she picked up on his emotions and changes after every major event that has happened throughout the series.

I wrote something for school recently where I mentioned how siblings are close by default because they've been at each others sides for most of their lives and for a long time they're all the other has. I think this applies to Ben and Gwen too and I never realized it until now. It makes them more personal. I know they're fictional characters but it makes them feel more like people who I can relate to and connect to something in my life.

My sister left for college last month. I wasn't affected much until last week when I came home and I rang the doorbell before remembering that she wasn't there to answer it. We still talk a lot and it means a lot that we still have that. Ben losing that must have been rough. I feel like Gwen and Ben are close on an entirely different level than most siblings and cousins are in real life. I once read that losing a sibling is like losing an arm. Gwen didn't exactly die but the distance was put there and that must have ripped him apart.

You really went above and beyond with this oneshot. Most truth serum stories I've read (all three of them lol) really only scratch the surface of this stuff and focus on one character. Kevin, Gwen, and Rook were never forced to say anything but they let their walls down and allowed themselves to be emotional and vulnerable.

The insight you wrote about their feelings regarding Ben was phenomenal. Each character has a very special dynamic and relationship with Ben but the show doesn't go into detail about that very often. We can see it and we know it's there but it's always buried under something and the moments where it is really focused on don't last long. They're never really upfront about it either. Seeing the three of them willingly go into that was heartwarming.

There's more I can say but I think that about wraps up what really stood out to me. You made me think about some of the finer details of the show a bit. Lots of emotions happened. This is by far the best oneshot I've read and possibly the best Ben 10 fic I've read too.

PS: I looked it up once and I think Bellwood is in Illinois. At least in real life. It is for sure a made up location in the show. Illinois is a good guess since it's kind of in the same part of the country as Mount Rushmore which is a pretty important location. But Illinois obviously isn't by the ocean. Considering the Mount Rushmore thing, I'd guess it is on the West Coast or the West side of the states at least but there have been scenes where characters fall into the ocean and they're fine. This leads me to believe Bellwood is on the East Coast since the ocean on the West Coast is freezing. I don't think the creators put much thought into it. In my head, Bellwood will always be in Illinois but it is a fictional location, not the real city.
FrostyChops chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
Dang, this was pretty depressing. Probably would have made for a good episode tbh
karasu-shiro chapter 1 . 5/13/2019
Anybody here speaks spanish? Not? This will hard to elaborate for me, oh well~ here we go~

This abosutely should be into the canon, like, is so accurated with how could going if the series have the brave to take itself more serious (hope this is understable, my english isn't well when I am excites)

Te juro que en verdad derramé un par de lágrimas en más de una vez a lo largo de la lectura, porque es tan cierto! Ben himself said it, all they're just copies, now can imagine what he felt when met them again in the episode about the Tetramand Princess, like "they looks different, so he probably did think he made them wrong".

Y después está el hecho de que canónicamente ya se ha dicho que Ben actúa despreocupado para ocultar sus miedos y preocupaciones (AUF Aggregor's arc), lo cual hace esto aún más accurated.

Sorry, I think I isn't manage convey my feels like would like to x(

Also, I loved this very little hint tilting towards Brooken(?) at end, or maybe I'm imagine it x)
duskrider chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
With Bellwood I honestly think that is part of the whole Different timelines theory. The one where each series is it's own timeline while connected are not quiet the same. For example Bellwood being such a changing location to Kevin's behaviors. I mean the thing that throws me off most in Omniverse is the truth coming out that Kevin's father was not a Plumber despite his mother in AUF seeming to know that is the case. I mean wow. It blows the mind. Also it goes with all the possible futures out there and would explain in part just why no one at the start of AUF knew about the omnitrix dispite everyone in Bellwood finding out in the last episode.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
I love the idea, the dialogue feels real, and you have a wonderful control of syntax and diction. One complaint though in the execution; you use the wrong tense. You use the present tense for nearly everything and are using the third person, but this tense does not fit. It leaks into the dialogue, but that is not as important. If I were to narrate something, it would be more like the following:
"She lifted the page, surveying it for any imperfections"

Surveying is present tense, but lifted is past tense. I think you should practice that. Otherwise, this was amazing! Please, keep it up.
Xenozip chapter 1 . 4/28/2019
I absolutely agree with this, ben may have recreated the universe, but that still means the old one DIED, everyone ben ever knew, including his own necrofriggian children, is dead, all he has left is that copy.
cg037 chapter 1 . 4/16/2019
A great oneshot.
shadows59 chapter 1 . 4/8/2019
This is another story of yours that belongs in canon. The way that they had Gwen and Kevin just drive off without even warning Ben at the start of Omniverse...

This is how Ben should have reacted if the show writers wanted him to seem even the least bit human.