Reviews for Ricochet
Guest chapter 11 . 6/9
Ahh I want Mira to be able to trust him and I do think he genuinely cares about her, but I feel like he still has so many ulterior motives that would upset her to find out and ughh~

I really like how you’ve written Mira’s character; normally the “naive” types come off kinda flat and annoying, but Mira is inquisitive and open minded enough not to be some blind do-gooder. The discussions on light and darkness are really interesting as well, and there were so many moments where I had to pause to reconsider my own views
Mouse chapter 11 . 4/27
I’m so glad you updated! Keep up the good work :)
Hexalys chapter 11 . 4/26
Huh, that was not how I expected things to go. I thought Mira would run away once Braig “came clean” about things. Maybe a fight would’ve broken out, maybe she would’ve left in the quiet of the night. Now I suspect she’ll remain in Radiant Garden for the full year Terranort exists as Ansem’s apprentice and actually witness Braig losing his heart, leaving only his red bandanna behind. A year to build up a relationship with Braig and the residents of Radiant Garden, to try understand where Terranort fits between her master and friend. Already he seemed to recognize Mira, if his looks between her and Braig are anything to go by.

Also, can I just say that Gast being the inn keeper was completely unexpected? I thought he might be the Master of Masters, what with his speech and the way he seemed to know a little more than he should.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 11 . 4/25
Wow! Great chapter! Although I will admit, I did have somewhat mixed feelings about it. Nothing bad to be honest, but I guess all the drama and stuff just struck a chord in me. Lol. I’ve a feeling that if I was in Mira’s shoes, I’d probably feel as lost and confused as her. It’s like Xehanort said when he was young: “Understanding hearts is difficult. More-so the emotions within.” So maybe MY heart is missing something or is as confused as myself!

In any case, I enjoyed this nonetheless. I really hope to see more. I also liked how you referenced Braig remembering how back in the old days, he compared Master Xehanort assigning him a “role” similar to HIS old Master and his fellow apprentices back then. I enjoyed seeing Aerith, Yuffie, Squall/Leon, and the others too. Good job!
Hexalys chapter 10 . 1/26
Oh god, how is that talk going to go?! I can only see this ending badly. And once she finds out about Terranort... I think Braig has greatly underestimated just how much his honesty is going to affect her.

I was curious as to why you used Young Xehanort as the representation in Mira’s Station of Awakening. Looks like she had a run-in with time traveling Xehanort. I wonder what happened to the wayfinder she gave him?
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 10 . 1/25
Great chapter! So wait, wait, wait! Hold the phone and please tell me I didn’t hear wrong! BRAIG IS ACTUALLY GOING TO TELL MIRA ABOUT HIS OWN RELATION IN REGARDS TO MASTER XEHANORT’S AMBITIONS/PLANS?!

O...M...Goodness! I think I’m feeling faint! UPDATE AGAIN SOON! I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! As Ansem, Seeker of Darkness said: "There is more to seek, so go forth and seek it."
Precious Destiny chapter 9 . 1/7
This story is so amazing and well written. I can’t wait for the next chapter! :D
Hexalys chapter 9 . 1/6
I know I should be pissed at Xehanort for all his bullshit, but damn you, you’ve actually made me a little fond of the old coot. That’s talent right there. Also a little curious as to how she is still unaware of Xigbar’s involvement. How does she find out?

Also, present day Mira is becoming super angsty. This does not bode well for her. I wonder if her depression would sink so deep that she would let herself slip away from the world again. I doubt she’d go back to the Realm of Darkness or let herself wander the broken Lanes Between... Perhaps she’ll fall to the Realm of Sleep? If nothing else, I can’t imagine her being anything less than a recluse. She doesn’t think she deserves anything good at the moment, so that means no friendships or healing.

My only gripe is that, well, Mira is turning out to be a bit of a weakling to be honest. Not very brave either, with how she buckles under pressure. I don’t know if that was something you did on purpose, so that we can see her grow in strength as a person, or because it allowed her to be excluded from the fights. I understand taking measures to avoid a Mary-Sue, but a damsel in distress is just as bad in my opinion.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 9 . 1/5
Whoa...insane chapter! But you mustn’t stop it here! I need more! There are questions I desire answered! There is more to seek! So I must go forth and seek it!

Update again soon!
Hexalys chapter 8 . 12/2/2019
I love the protectiveness you’ve shown in both Braig and Xehanort. With the old coot, it’s a strange phenomenon to see. I get the feeling that he sees Mira is his last bit of pure light. It’s not just about his goals anymore, it’s not just about saving the World anymore, it’s also about giving her a future that’s safe better than the World they live in. You can see all of it in that one sentence when Mira says she would do anything for him and he doesn’t take advantage of that faith. Xehanort cherishes her, in his own way. She is not a pawn like the the others.

On the other hand, Braig’s feelings seems to come more from a sense of curiosity and the debt of her saving his life. I wonder, now that he has a piece of Xehanort in him, how his feelings towards her may change. Also, the initial interaction between Mira and Vanitas was curiously intriguing. I wonder how that jealousy will play on her heart? No doubt Vanitas will play on it, even with their Master’s warning.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 8 . 12/1/2019
Wow! Good chapter. I really enjoyed it. Although I am curious as to why that Unversed seemed to "like" Mira? Also, it seems Braig has gotten a fragment of Master Xehanort’s heart in him now due to the coloration of his eye...

Also, who was her late night visitor? Xehanort himself? Or maybe Vanitas? It would make sense on the latter due to Mira treating his Unversed so nicely.

By the way, am I the only one that noticed when Xehanort said he has more than "one eye" to keep watch over Mira? Methinks there’s something hidden in those words! It also seems "Braig" also was quite pissed at Xehanort; considering the fact that HIS OWN Keyblade was pointed at him. I’d be mad too. Lol. Keep up the good work!

One final thing. It seems that even though he hides it, Master Xehanort does truly care about Mira. That’s good to see!
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 7 . 11/17/2019
Excellent chapter! I knew as soon as I saw this chapter’s title that things are moving in motion! Especially seeing as Braig now has his infamous scars. And that Dive To The Heart that Mira had...what could it mean? There was also a picture of Young Xehanort there too... why is that? Could Xehanort have given her a piece of his heart without her knowing? I wonder...

Also, that innkeeper is well-informed. TOO much so. Might need to keep an eye on him.

In any case, update again soon! I loved this and I’m already thirsty for more!
Lazersword88 chapter 6 . 11/12/2019
Great chapter as always!
Hexalys chapter 6 . 11/10/2019
I like the idea that Braig is attracted to Mira’s bright Light, something that he was most likely deprived of for years, if not centuries. I can’t wait to see how he reacts to Xehanort being Mira’s Master. That’ll be a head trip.

I also really like how you’ve made it Canon for the lanes and gateways between worlds to be disconnected. Good continuity!

Can’t wait for the next update!
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 6 . 11/9/2019
Good chapter! Man, how I missed this! Good to see you’ve updated at long last! Lol. I probably sound dramatic right now.

In any case, I’m really enjoying this! Looks like things are beginning to progress! It’s also very interesting to see that Braig has this "urge" to protect Mira from her own Master (although he doesn’t realize they’re affiliated...yet). In any case, I look forward to the next chapter! Please update again soon!

May your heart be your guiding key.
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