Reviews for All Hail Lelouch!( Code Geass AU)
The Jingo chapter 10 . 6/12
This chapter was actually painful.
Naphtali0501 chapter 1 . 6/5
Oh right... there was no rise of Hitler in Code Geass' alternate history was there? Interesting.
xionsd chapter 36 . 5/28
Wow don't have words... Really good... I only hope that lelouch become emperor in the end and don't make a new version of the zero requiem again... I mean he really is doing good.. and now he have the chance to make better
a54321 chapter 35 . 5/27
Oh, I can't wait to see what comes after this! D
Last Primaris chapter 35 . 5/26
I'm sad these are getting shorter and shorter
Haxler chapter 2 . 5/2
...Somehow, for no reason AT ALL, this fanfiction reminds me of another,,,hmmm xD

Kuro Neko9695 chapter 33 . 4/14
God! Hahaha poor Lulu things always have to go wrong, but not for nothing is the man of miracles
DeadFire354 chapter 33 . 4/13
Oh boy, is Lelouch the Demon Emperor gonna show up?
Kuro Neko9695 chapter 32 . 4/11
I can't wait for the next chapter
Kuro Neko9695 chapter 31 . 4/9
Hahaha I love this Lelouch Darth Sidious ... Or should I say Darth Lelouch!
DeadFire354 chapter 31 . 4/8
Oooooh boy, dis gon be gud.
IS6A6E chapter 30 . 4/7
Is Lelouch ever gonna suit up as Zero? And is Lelouch gonna become the demon Emperor?
ChunkyFunkyMunky chapter 30 . 4/7
It is painful to constantly read “Lellouch” instead of “Lelouch.”
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 2 . 4/7
This is very close to "A young girls political record".

Im guessing that was an inspiration for this?
Moar chapter 29 . 3/21
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