Reviews for Beast of Burden
Vsantos99 chapter 13 . 1/25
Can’t wait for the next chapter it’s such a great story
Frenchman chapter 13 . 1/4
C’est fantastique !
Call me Lee chapter 13 . 11/6/2019
Awwww man please continue, I'm loving the story!
Mr. Meowington chapter 13 . 10/9/2019
I really love this story
Wicked.A chapter 13 . 9/24/2019
Sure has been awhile... Will this story still get updated?
Guest chapter 13 . 8/8/2019
This is fucking awesome I love it so far
OmegaDelta chapter 13 . 7/21/2019
So ron blew up at his parens for the way they treated him for years
daccu65 chapter 13 . 7/17/2019
I very unique interpretation of Hana and the prophesies. There's some subtle manipulation going on here, and the use of the PDP is only a smokescreen, isn't it. Ron's going to wind up living up to his potential, in spite of himself, isn't he?
Josh Spicer chapter 13 . 7/15/2019
Yay for Ron standing up to his parents. Yay for Ron standing up for himself. Yay for Ron shutting down his mom. Yay for his dad realizing how much they've fucked up and how much his wife continues to do so.

Hana's...dedication, let's say, was something I wanted to not like, but I just can't. This change to Hana, as both the actual weapon and an older version of what we got in the show is just too good to resist. Not to mention it adds to the harem, which, again, I liked, but it's obvious other reviewers have expressed negative reactions to.
forsaken9 chapter 13 . 7/15/2019
OOH OOH! mama possible about to get pissed. i don't know why but i always love it when the stoppables get chewed out for the crap they do.
Desslock3 chapter 13 . 7/15/2019
All I in all I’m enjoying this fic, I like the way your writing finds a good balance between being serious and comedy. The joke about Ron falling victim to Tara’s “booby trap” was the funniest line in this whole fic. But then again I’m a boob man myself.
I also like the way you are showing how Ron is dealing with coming of age, with the added twist of superpowers. Hopefully he will find balance in his life between the Ron that is and the Ron that he may become.

The introduction of your version of Hana was unexpected but I think has real potential. And much like Master Sensei I pity her for the life she lead before and hopefully Ron will keep her from going over board as she attempts to build a new life for herself.

Ron calling out his parents was long over due, but not unexpected for a young man coming of age. None the less it was an excellent way of showing how Ron is further becoming untethered from what constrained him in the past.

Lastly, while the whole mystical/martial arts angle of this story isn’t my usual cup of tea, it is to your credit as an author that none of that detracts from my enjoyment of this story. In fact, one the things I like best about it is comparing and contrasting it to Under New Management and seeing how you use modified ideas between the two, ie. in one Ron is a brother to a brother, in the other he’s a brother to a sister.

Keep writing and I’ll keep reading.
Wicked.A chapter 13 . 7/15/2019
That moment between Ron and Hana was great, i also liked the talk between yori and sensei (though I would have liked to see yori in the states to explore her feelings you are closer to the canon in this regard...)
Ron telling his parents how he feels was nice as well and i cant eait to see rons mothers reaction to the daughter she always wanted beeing more interested in her brother than spending time with her, (hope the next chapter has a nice bonding moment between ron and hana at bueno nacho)
i am curious towards hanas feeling for ron while there has been little to suggest a crush (if you watched as many anime as me you know what japanese girls mean with responsibilty(wiggle wiggle nudge nudgecant wait for the next chapter and how everyone is going to react to ron now having a prodigial(i assume she is AT LEAST peak human in everything she does) little sister (maybe she even skips a few grades and lands in his class as a transfer student) and maybe even some people finding out about ron losing his temper towards his parents , something which will make quite a few people suprised/shocked...
Adro-Sama chapter 13 . 7/15/2019
OK Ron's mom really needs a hit or two, maybe that way she can restart her brain.
F Ron, those words are always a bad presage
CajunBear73 chapter 13 . 7/15/2019
Bravo! On having Ron having it out with his 'once in a while 'rents'...!

But, I fear that, while his Dad seems to have dawn breaking on him about his Wife's 'handling of Ron' as the Mother...or lack thereof...of the 'Mother', of their child, he may just now be seeing the depths she has gone to ignore reality as it 'challenges' her fantasy...regarding how she 'raised' Ronald Stoppable...

Susan, it seems, has lived a life in full Matriarchal Fantasy Mode when it comes to 'raising' a child she wished had been a girl. Heh, if 'Ronald' had been 'Veronica'...the life of that child would have been vastly different with a 'Mom' fully invested in actually impressing upon her who and what Susan wanted her to be...Instead, Susan spent the previous decade-plus in benign, almost malignant, neglect with a Son she'd rather have than a Daughter...That seemed to bleed out as Ron's outrage was met with constant deflection from someone who projects blame and more on others...

Dean's now awakening to the facts that as parents they've let down their only blood child...and he let Susan take full control, full charge, of everything in Ron's life...Even to withhold information regarding something as 'trivial' to her as Ron begging to come home from the hellhole that was Wannaweep. Instead, casting the whole affair as 'separation anxiety' of a child she intended to dump there regardless of the wishes of her 'Son'. And to add to the disaster Ron's life became, nearly every phobia he ever assumed, came from the nightmare that was Wannaweep.

So, Ron's now found his life is to be tucked away, out of sight in 'Storage', as Susan...and Dean, now have the 'Daughter Susan's always wanted'...Again, relegating the not-daughter to further banishment than previously 'lived' by the not-daughter...He's going to make the best of it and probably will not have too much to say about family life with his blood-parents for the remainder of his time at MHS...and will probably bail on the Stoppable residence upon live anywhere else but with Susan and Dean Stoppable...Wonder if Dean's trust fund for Ron is another of those 'this is our way of telling you' things to be sprung on Ron when he hits twenty-one...Eh, probably...

Ron's 'discussion' with Hana was quite informative about Yamanouchi, the Kaze, the Han and the Chosen One...Both are thrown together because of a destiny he's rejected and she's been forced to embrace...What Ron is to Hana (A Chosen One in a Holding Pattern and The Han) and what he will become to her, is something she may have to take him by the hand and guide him into doing and becoming...His path is open for the choosing and his life is now his to control, as much as it can be with such a hands-on pair of 'parents'...that she may help him find his way, with the MMP and Destiny still waiting on him. And to live a life denied to him now that he's made a stand with his 'Parents'...with Hana now a part of it.

The converse is true for her to him, as all she knows is destiny and being honed as a weapon to come to the aid of the Chosen One...Maybe he can help lead her in her life as she is to do the same for him.

Sensei, ever the kidder...seems to have tossed in some Whimsy to Prophecy's set in stone reality...But, he's got a gentler agenda for Hana as she may gain a life with Ron that her upbringing denied her...And a glimpse of her more than lethal version of the PDP may be a side of her that is awakening now that she's entering the on-ramp of her teen years, and all that entails...From her 'moment' with Ron at the end of their seems she's learning a bit of how a girl can subtly distract a boy...

Meanwhile, you can add Yori to the list of girls/women who may be in pursuit of Ron's affections...with Hana an outside stalking horse? Oy!

FF8cerberus chapter 13 . 7/15/2019
I don't have really much to say in this chapter. A lot of teenage angst and Ron still having a split personality with being ignorant, a pushover and foolish, and him actually having a backbone and being passionate. Sigh. It's getting on my nerves that he keeps flipping between one character and another. As much as he says he hates being the chosen one, the abilities he gained from it is what grants him the power to fight off people and actually protect his friends. I can't help but feel he's somewhat hypocritical. When things don't go his way he does the opposite of what he would originally due because he's backed against a wall. Like a false monk, priest or pacifist who does not like to fight others but when pushed enough he breaks his own vows. Maybe I'm overthinking this but it's how I see things at this point. No growth with him since he already decided to seemingly get over the broken trust to some extent so soon.

I'll stick around for maybe one more chapter. Your making this something more than I was lead to believe. I can't seem to maintain interest in going any further. For what it's worth, I've enjoyed most of the story so far. It just started going elsewhere down the road.

Until next time.
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