Reviews for Emily Prentiss, Mom?
luci0998 chapter 1 . 10/26/2019
Hey. Can you please continue with this? Please it is so good
MissScorp chapter 1 . 10/23/2019
Hi there! This was a really nice look at how a relationship breaking down between two people ends up affecting the kids. When someone enters an already established family and becomes an accepted part of it, breaking up affects all parties. It’s not simply a matter of walking away from the person you were engaged. You’re also walking away from the children. It’s like a divorce in many ways. And it leaves the children feeling abandoned and wondering what they did that you don’t come around any longer.

Damian snapping and attacking the wall is very much in line with a child who has been pushed to the brink. He knows that his father and Prentiss broke up over what he sees as a ((“colossally stupid fight”)) and he accepts that but it’s harder for him to accept promising she’d see him and then always being too busy. He doesn’t handle his emotions well... something he got from Bruce, who is much the same way. I like they resolved things and have worked towards a resolution. It still won’t be easy and there will be issues but it’s a step in the right direction.

Ha, Dick invites them in on a case. Can imagine what must be going on for him to do that ;)

Another nice piece!
zhangxinna chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
interesting cross over. intrigued to read more... update soon?