Reviews for No Greater Love
MikuxLuka401 chapter 1 . 7/5/2019
It's so cute and I was on the edge of my seat by the end despite knowing there's no way Luka would do such a thing to her one and only.

Thank you very much for writing this!
Spawn of Merlin chapter 1 . 5/31/2019
Welcome back! I've missed getting the alerts for your stories. I sat down to review "Divided Loyalties," but figured I'd chime in on this one first. This particular story has less substance than usual for you, and I can see a bit of "Sword of Shannara" effect with how closely it resembles the original, but it's well-executed and an enjoyable read. Glad you've resumed writing - hope there's more to come.
Anonymous Gun Nut chapter 1 . 5/28/2019
Alright, finally managed to sit down and give this a read! I've read my share of O. Henry but not that story in particular! Heck of a short story to kick off a return to activity. Sad but sweet but sad but sweet again... It's the same emotional rollercoaster I've gotten hooked on since the beginning. As always, looking forward to what's next in the future!
It's So Crisp chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
Welcome back! I was really surprised to get the notification email. The new pen name threw me, but I could tell in the first couple of paragraphs it was the same old Genki. This story is a nice adaptation of the original. My only criticism is that they're maybe a little *too* similar, but whatever, I'm just happy to see you're back in the saddle! :D
Charibdis chapter 1 . 5/22/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 5/11/2019
Cute story! I like Luka and Miku living together and having fluffy moments like this! Not enough negitoro these days so keep it up! :)
Penwin chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
I always did like that O. Henry story. You did a great job creating a Vocaloid version.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
Beautiful! Thanks for this!
Nonnie-sama chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
Adorable as heck, as usual!
When I got the notif you posted something I knew it would quench some genki thirst.
Love the premise, and like someone said I knew how it was going to end but even with that it made my heart melt all the same. Is it cheesy this kept reminding me of Disney's Mickey and Minnie version of this... Cute all the same.
Your lively writing style has changed for the better, I personally feel. To the point and yet leaves no room for half assed work, delivering a superb piece (and may I add throwing feels left and right, how dare you I wasn't ready damn it!)
Keep it up! (You too, gv!)

mamiho chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
Hey! It's been a while. I'm so happy to see you are doing fine. I was really sad when you locked your account. After all, you are still my favorite writer here, even after those few years.
Nice to see you still have it in you to write a really good story. Though I have this feeling... it's just a warm up, right? You have something bigger in your mind, and that's why this one is so short. That's how it looks for me.
Anyway, glad to see you alive and kickin'. Till the next time!
Katadenza chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
I already knew how this story was going to end.
It didn't stop my heart from melting all the same.

Amazing work! Thank you for writing this.