Reviews for I Know (posting version 2)
RyanSquad chapter 3 . 8/20
Imagine if Anakin trusts Fives and remove his men's inhibitor chips... well all beside Appo and his men who likely is more loyal to the Republic since Umbara. Lol
Ramage chapter 3 . 7/27
Ch 3 review:
This chapter and this moment in their history just brings up so many emotions. The good and the bad. Its hard as a reader when you know the bigger picture that is to come.
Nice chapter yet again!
IanAlphaAxel chapter 3 . 7/27
Great chapter!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/21
Man, this whole arc was heartbreaking AF. From Ahsoka getting betrayed and framed by Barriss, to her getting expelled from the Jedi and tried as a traitor, to her leaving the Jedi and Anakin after becoming disillusioned with them. Reading it again and seeing the additional dialogue and thoughts only makes it worse. Still though, I can't wait for Anakin to eventually make things right, and how Lux's presence will change things up.
Ramage chapter 2 . 6/20
Ch 2 review:
Great chapter! Keep up the great work. Look forward to more one day!
Agent N chapter 2 . 6/19
I have a feeling about the Second Jedi Civil War will impending to start when Ahsoka leaves the Order and Anakin decides to take matters on his own hands to criticize the Jedi Council being blinsided by the corruption of the Republic & Senate and being too pragmatic. The only person will understand was Obi Wan Kenobi because Anakin may also have right to criticize him but he knows that Obi Wan still grieving Satine's death and his failure to save her.

As a wise man said, Failure is not a word. It doesn't mean you give up or it is over becauae you have failed one or other. It's a part of a way of life to able to understand who or what you are. It's hard to fix but you must accept it so you can move on and open a new door.
Ramage chapter 1 . 5/26
Another great story. Such a dark time for the jedi... what fools!
ErinKenobi chapter 1 . 5/22
I quite enjoyed how this took an actual occurrence from the series, and spun it in a way that we all know we wanted to see happen. Keep it up!
TheNexusEra chapter 1 . 5/22
The story is back!? YES!
Guest chapter 5 . 4/3
Are you going to keep writing this?
rowan walls chapter 5 . 1/29
Love this story! And I want to see more of it please. I actually giggled with glee and clapped my hands when Anikan told off the council! It was perfect.
Look-for-the-miracles chapter 5 . 11/18/2019
Love this fic! The plot, the writing, the characterisations - all of them are so fabulous! Can't wait for there to be more to read!
Ryojin chapter 5 . 5/11/2019
I love it! keep it up! I am interested to see Yoda's reaction to a new Jedi order and what side he comes out on.
LongLiveTheEmperor chapter 4 . 5/10/2019
This ignorance and idiocy is exactly why the Jedi Order fell. Luke was right about them deserving their fate.
Grubkiller19 chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
Hey lone rebel, good story so far, love your work. When you inevitably write a luxsoka lemon scene, can you make it so ahsoka uses the force to make them float?
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