Reviews for Magic, not materia
Az-Bebere chapter 9 . 10/5
So the Death Eaters are on the move... Seeing for once combat use of Apparition is a nice touch but I wonder if the three really thought their recruitment spiel had a chance to work when their first action was to try murdering Cloud. Were they misled by Lucius? Also nice to see Colin around, he's a bit like a hyperactive puppy xD In any case, nice to see another chapter.
Ericaldrius chapter 9 . 8/4
It seems you've stopped writing this story, which is a shame. Its a fun take on and interesting combination of stories. I rather enjoyed the multiple takes on the ice cream conversation combined with diary horcrux Tom's back story/mentality.

I hope you see you keep writing!
Villiandeku9501 chapter 7 . 6/25
This chapter, is chilling to say the least, in the movies at least they didn’t do much for us to gleam how psychotic or crazy or driven Voldemort is, but this, especially with the recurring theme of billy Stubbs and his lying teeth, cements how insane he really is, well done I hope to see more from you
key46812 chapter 9 . 6/15
This story is seriously good! I was a little unsure about this crossover at first but you are doing it justice. And I honestly thought the fight scene was pretty good. Just focus more on what Cloud is doing in them, like you did in this one, and it will turn out alright. Keep up the good work!
Useful chapter 9 . 4/28
It has been a long time since I was on Fanfiction to read. And this one is a good one! I really like the characterization of Cloud (aloof, has his own priorities with his own people, but still fond of certain people as well in this world). I also love how this is diverging from HP canon with Tom being somewhat a person and then the ugly Voldemort in Albania trying to regain power. And its kinda spooky knowing two Dark Lords are out there. (I just hope that no blood spells are used and Sephiroth comes into being from the S Cells and Jenova that runs in Cloud). I love Sirius, he doesn't talk but he has personality as a dog and he definitely recognizes Cloud as a kind soul and follows him.

I didn't mind the flat fight scene, mostly because Cloud's skill level trumps the three Death Eaters easily and I think it's pretty appropriate for Cloud to be able to win easily. I do see Cloud struggling against Tom, or Voldemort (I have to separate them for this fic, and it makes my little Harry Potter need scared that there is two) or even Dumbledore, Minerva, etc. So I can't wait to see him fight more Death Eaters or the way more skilled wizards. Which my advice is to read some fanfics that have duels and magic fights and see what they give you and then have Cloud do his thing.

Anyways! This is a great work. I can't wait to read more of it as it comes out. :)
Guest chapter 9 . 3/5
Please continue your story, it s great.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee chapter 9 . 12/27/2019
Really enjoy this story so far! Like the interactions between Cloud and Black, along with Collin 10/10
DeathRainbows chapter 9 . 11/28/2019
Ugh this fic is seriously awesome. I’m super excited for every update. I love crossover fics like this one, and seeing him interact with the HP kids is just plain awesome. Thank you so much for making this content!
Minxiboo chapter 9 . 10/16/2019
This is really good
Suzululu4moe chapter 9 . 9/15/2019
Lol the DEs got in his radar now.
neah20 chapter 9 . 9/15/2019
As a good reporter! Colin! Cloud with your right speculations! In your face Tom!
JumpingToaster chapter 9 . 9/15/2019
neah20 chapter 8 . 8/15/2019
Colin Creevey? it's the child? good chapter! The dark lord of the end is Tom, right?
Suzululu4moe chapter 8 . 8/15/2019
Lol dog. Makes sense why a guy named Cloud would have a dog named star.

Hmm I wonder if Esuna can cure werewolfism .
JRZTT1246 chapter 8 . 8/15/2019
I'm pretty sure that dog was Sirius Black.
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