Reviews for Shadowhunters Continued Eternal Love
Angelz444 chapter 54 . 9/8
I am so enthralled! Please tell me you are going to finish this?
Angelz444 chapter 12 . 9/6
Loving this story. Your writing is great and I love this alternate ending to the show. Thank you!
Guest chapter 54 . 9/5
Please contact me with the final chapters! I want to know how she gets out! Or at least let me know what you were going to put in the ending lol.

Please please please contact me using

It would be much appreciated if you got in touch

Maritza92 chapter 54 . 8/14
if you do not continue this story you are worse than the TV show, at least they solved the main problems before it ended on that cliffhanger. please update again I would like to see what happens next...
Guest chapter 54 . 6/8
You’re so right Clarey and Jace needed more to their ending than standing in an alleyway! Thank you for writing this story. Hopefully you can keep going!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/20
ur a good writer! Clary should get pregnant and have a girl and a boy (twins) lol
clacesizzymakec chapter 5 . 5/20
kk captain
clacesizzymalec chapter 3 . 5/20
bro, the books are 10000000000000000000x better than the show!
Taesaerae chapter 54 . 4/27
I'm interested to see where this goes! I agree Izzy was a little out of character, but it works for this part.

Cant wait to see the next part!
Jling chapter 54 . 4/11
Very nice chapter, very descriptive!
Gabiotalunatica chapter 54 . 4/11
Wow! Talking about a twist to your story! Is cool cause sometimes I wonder my self if all of that I’m going through is just a result of a dream and that I’m just in a coma somewhere. I can’t wait to see how you are going to develop all of this new events. Thanks for the update and please be safe
Hermiony1 chapter 53 . 3/30
hey so i have been reading your story since the beggining and I have noticed ypu have not updated for a while
is this the end of the story because for what I gather the plot has not unfolded yet and also you say see you next time soo is everything ok?
are you going to continue?
Jling chapter 53 . 3/23
Well I just finished reading your entire story . It really is sooo good . I love the new plot twist . You really do have these characters nailed . Please update soon!
Jling chapter 40 . 3/22
Hey , really great chapter! It’s plot line is continually twisting and turning. Thanks for the update! Also, what is your insta acct? I’d love to see previews !
WretchedHandsSJS chapter 1 . 1/23
I agree I was also not satisfied with the ending. It will take me a while to read all of your chapters, but this first one I am enjoying. I wrote a quick alt-ending fanfic myself. It's only one chapter and a quick read. I posted it last night and would love feedback as well. Thank you and I will continue to read yours when I have more time.
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