Reviews for Finding Peace: Winglets
Maximus Draconis chapter 1 . 8/1
Latin. At least it’s correct!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/30
I like how Moon is trying to justify what they did to Darkstalker, but in the end. I still feel it was a bad ending.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/30
Do I see a threesome in the making?
Imhorribleatnames chapter 11 . 7/28
Hailstorm and Qibli:*Arrive at Jade Mountain for a visit*

Peacemaker remembering he's Darkstalker, Adder messing with his dreams, Tempest in the Deep Sleep, and a whole lot of s*** happening: Bonjour
tonix63 chapter 1 . 7/7
historybuff123456 chapter 10 . 7/1
Uh i just want to say you called Pyrite (Hailstorms Mask) Soar (Chameleons Mask) Hope you can edit this the storys pretty good il probably make a bigger review later
Imhorribleatnames chapter 10 . 6/29
That was intense. This chapter really shows what many people hate about the ending of book 10. However, I have a different view on the why they did it. A headcanon, of sorts. In the ending, Moon said that she really thought Darkstalker would choose to become a dragonet for himself. And Kinkajou explicitly says that she DIDN'T tell Moon her plan. Moon didn't know. The only ones who knew about it were Kinkajou and Foeslayer (and maybe Turtle, but he wasn't present so we don't know). And it is my belief that Kinkajou didn't want to transform Darkstalker. She probably wanted to transform him into a strawberry or something. But for the plan to work, she needed to convince Foeslayer to help. And as evil as Darkstalker is, Foeslayer was still his mother. She probably didn't agree to any plan that would end up with Darkstalker dead or imprisoned. So, Kinkajou probably came up with the transformation spell as and she agreed to help her. Remember, neither Foeslayer or Kinkajou (who was put in a coma) witnessed the Pyrite fiasco, so they probably weren't as sensitive to the idea. And Kinkajou was probably willing to do anything to defeat Darkstalker. I believe this is how things ended up as they did.
P.S: I just want to mention that it must have been really hard to get Hope and Peacemaker to "fit in" with the Nightwings without Glory knowing about the spell. Not only would they have to not be act suspicious among Nightwings, but also convince Glory that the story they told her was true. Then again, the Rainwings didn't notice they were being kidnapped, so convincing her they didn't notice a Rainwing and a Nightwing having a dragonet mustn't have been that hard. And she would be inclined to believe them since a hybrid between her 2 tribes would probably do wonders for politics and show her that Nightwings and Rainwings could, indeed, have positive relationships, to the point of having a dragonet.
FateTheNightWing chapter 9 . 6/17
FateTheNightWing chapter 3 . 6/17
Guest chapter 9 . 4/20
Dragon349295 chapter 9 . 4/16
Ok. That was... intense to say the least.

Now, it’s good, as would be expected of you, but I currently want to just rip. That. Smug son of a B. Apart. And also learn ‘the face of evil’ while I’m at it.

But, can’t wait for the ‘big reveal’ where someone’s grandparent gets revealed to be the BBEG. Besides the BBEF, being Darkstalker.
shirzadym chapter 9 . 4/16
Lovely chapter! i feel like you intended to make this one emotional, but sadly it didn't do it for me. Looking forward to what's next!

PS: I would really love more Bobcat and Winter moments if you could; he's the only baby I've ever found lovely in my life!
Imhorribleatnames chapter 9 . 4/16
Well,... now I have even more questions. The evil is obviously related to the mind-controlling mist thing. But how THAT relates to Darkstalker and the earring, I have no clue. And Lynx is apparently "cursed" now. We barely know anything about Lynx anyway, so, again, one more question to add to my ever-growing confusion.
Not-So-Happy-Hufflepuff chapter 8 . 3/7
I'm crying! Oh my goodness I love this so much! Aghhh... The door scene got to me but also the... Oh the bittersweetness... Agggghhhh... But very well done! Can't wait to read more!
Ottomatican chapter 8 . 3/7
No, it was over too quickly! I'd love to see a slice of life spinoff series for Finding Peace, maybe showing us what our protagonists were doing before Finding Peace, before any crises.
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