Reviews for Ruby Rewound
Firestar001 chapter 15 . 7/4
I feel like Qrow and Orpington would both believe Ruby about time travel. ESPECIALLY if Ruby calls Ozpin by his original name, or mentions the maidens. Or at the very least they’ll think hard on what Ruby has to say, should she ever suddenly ‘break down’ in a moment of PTSD.
YohanFushi chapter 15 . 6/28
When’s the next update
FL1G chapter 2 . 6/27
Oh fuck
DestinySkyDemon chapter 1 . 5/30
queenryou chapter 15 . 4/18
I hope your doing alright during this pandemic
please be safe
Radmar chapter 15 . 3/23
Interesting. As I mentioned in my review almost a year ago (wow...), I still prefer Ruby/Pyrrha pairing. Ruby/Blake is somewhat enjoyable for me too, but that's a thing of personal preference. Romance itself is fine, but I am starting to get annoyed by constant "Is this okay?" questions. This is fanfiction about fictional universe, not american college campus. If Blake feels like kissing Ruby, just do it! There is no need to make a bad parody out of a whole scene by repeating the same quention over and over again.

So, the plot is finally beginning to appear. I like it so far. There wasn't much divergence yet on the enemy side, but I am sure author has something interesting cooked up.

I would definitely like to see Ruby make (more) waves and where does it lead. I am a little disappointed by lack of interactions with Penny, so that might be nice to add too.

By the way, it's Vytal Festival, not Vital.
Mystearical chapter 8 . 2/8
Aww, leaning towards Ladybug? Don't have a problem with that ship necessarily, it's just Milk and Cereal is so rare! Admittedly so is YangxPyrrha, a pair so rare I don't actually know the ship names.
Zapper Frost chapter 3 . 2/5
I have taken to calling Ruby's pillow the tactical pillow, just so you know
KillamriX88 chapter 15 . 2/2
Aw, fiddlysticks I've reached the end for now.

Having Qrow return early is an interesting wrench to toss into the works. I can dig it.

Honestly I almost feel bad about my Chapter 10 review now. It's like the second I decided to whine about what was bothering me, those issues went away in the subsequent chapters.

Looking forward to the next one.
KillamriX88 chapter 12 . 2/1
The beginning of this chapter was masterfully done. The characters imagining the worst case scenarios to make themselves feel better actually made ME feel better because I was a little anxious about what was gonna happen myself.

Also when they all chose and Yang just says "well fuck" I just lost it. Amazing. Wonderful.

Also I must say I am pleased with the final results of their dating. Sure, the harem route woulda been fun but... Maybe not the right fic for that one.

That said, Pyrrha saying she wanted all three was a great moment.

Honestly you didn't need the rest of the chapter. It just fell too far short of the beginning, lol. But that's the best kind of problem to have.

Loved this one.
KillamriX88 chapter 11 . 2/1
This was one of the best chapters yet. Limited dialogue with Blake and Yang's moment made it delightfully atmospheric. However, you did dialogue excellently as well in Pyrrha and Blake's sort of debriefing scene.

We also got the side plot with Nora that kept things interesting and gave us much needed variety.

Then Blake and Pyrrha's date had a slow start but ended with THE SPICE which was good.

That said, stress levels were at an all time high by the end and I hate you. (Though the orgy line killed me since, well... I was thinking it)
KillamriX88 chapter 10 . 2/1
Oof, if I have to sit through one more conversation about how much everyone values their friendship with everyone else, I'm gonna lose it.

I did appreciate at first how absurdly nice and polite everyone was to each other. Keeps the stress levels down. Very chill... But... There's only so much positive affirmation one can take. Sometimes the conversations tend to feel tedious and like they're going in circles. It'll progress a bit and then everyone has to stop and insist for the 100th time that they're still cool and want to be friends.

Last few chapters have been bearable and even fun thanks to th E, but the ending there where they explained to Tai how they're relationship stuff is going just brought it all back to me.

I do like this story but sometimes the conversations really start to drag on and I wonder if you haven't lost the plot a bit.

Then again, this weird 4way relationship is hilarious and I want more... It's just too bad poor Weiss got left out, but... Well there's 1000 fics with her front and center so I'm fine with this.

Anyway, sorry if that was less upbeat, but after 10 chapters I had to stop and get real with you. Again I like it and please don't let this slow you down. This is still an absurdly cleanly written fic by fic writing standards. Hell, by writing standards in general.
KillamriX88 chapter 9 . 2/1
Damn. And I thought the LAST chapter was spicy...

You're gonna give me a heart attack with all this teasing.

Also Blake needs to learn when to shut the frick up... Poor Pyrrha, lol.
KillamriX88 chapter 8 . 2/1
The spice is real.

This is probably the one time where two characters being stopped by an untimely interruption isn't totally frustrating because it leaves the door open for other plot threads a little longer.

Also early on I was positive I knew where this was going. Now I'm lost. And you did it in a way that wasn't total bull. It's a refreshing feeling.
EVA-Saiyajin chapter 4 . 1/27
Mmm, a little bit too much random talking at times at the end that didn’t really seem to advance the plot. It didn’t even feel like filler
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