Reviews for A Family of Heroes
TheFlyingHairPin chapter 9 . 7/14
Please, update! This is really good
Silvia12 chapter 3 . 5/6
This one made me crack up
Katie MacAlpine chapter 9 . 4/13
Peter, don't do it!
I am not throwing away my shot chapter 9 . 4/13
Okay these are amazing and magnificent and and their just *chefs kiss* This is one of the only things keeping me sane during this quarantine. Thank you for your awesomeness
Falconress chapter 4 . 4/13
This is hilarious!
Katie MacAlpine chapter 8 . 10/18/2019
Dum E doesn't get enough credit!
Katie MacAlpine chapter 7 . 10/18/2019
Wanda needs to open up more. She could have asked Jarvis (or Friday) to send someone to help her with the itty bitty spider. (and get teased about it)
Josephine chapter 6 . 9/13/2019
I got my phone taken away in class bc I was laughing too hard... Thank you
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 6 . 5/17/2019
LOL I can definitely see him doing that XD and Tony too, secretly, has done it I'm sure
Jesuslovesmarina chapter 5 . 5/17/2019
A hundred and thirty-two. love it, it warms my heart. :D And Tony allowed Shuri to touch his precious toys?! :O he really is embracing this Irondad thing XD
Katie MacAlpine chapter 6 . 5/15/2019
Coffee on cereal? Yuck!
Katie MacAlpine chapter 5 . 5/15/2019
LOL Poor Peter!
ObsessedwReading chapter 6 . 5/14/2019
I haven't watches End game but I did hear spoilers. I refuse to watch it. If I don't watch it I can live obliviously in my world where everyone survived and lives happily ever after.
Smuzzie chapter 4 . 5/14/2019
Oh my god, my cheeks hurt from laughing so much, I'm in love with this
Red 'Allen' Walker chapter 4 . 5/12/2019
LMAO. I am giggling so hard I'm pretty sure my parents would be suspicious cuz we're in the same room. This is HILARIOUS! AHAHAHAHAHA
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