Reviews for The Winter Traveler
Guest chapter 1 . 3/24
this is really good. it’s one of the better hetalia fics ive seem, especially with finland here. i love how you portrayed each character, and how snufkin sees him as this “otherworldly” being, human, yet not-so-human. he considers him different, and i love how you angle that. it’s really well written and such a solid fic
you’re a great writer
WriterGreenReads chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
I absolutely ADORE THIS
Timo as some eldritch human that gives Snufkin just enough creeps? Snufkin being teeny tiny? All fantastic.
Chok-Boi chapter 1 . 5/30/2019
Adorable and well-written! I'm glad I found this.