Reviews for A Sociopath in this 'Wonderful' World!
A fan chapter 21 . 8/5
Hey are you ok?
Reeeeeee chapter 21 . 7/27
Please, update this, im begging you
Guest chapter 21 . 7/13
I still love rereading this. Hope one day you'll feel inspired to continue with it.
Stay healthy in these strange times.
bamba12 chapter 2 . 7/10
Isn't Kazuma supposed to be happy about Darkness' addition ? What with him being kinda sadistic.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/27
I think you should do more research on what sociopathy really is before writing a story. Sociopathy is a personality disorder and sociopaths have abnormal brain structures that resemble brain damage in key structures of the brain related to normal human emotions like empathy.
Cadlington chapter 19 . 6/24
That Water-Ice spell combo is easily the coolest thing Kazuma's ever done in the entire series, so I'm glad to see it happening here.

It's going to be a real tragedy if that never gets animated.
NobodyOwens5 chapter 9 . 6/23
that was pretty funny. this smarter Kazuma is giving me lot of good laughs
Kathadoryan chapter 11 . 6/16
Yeah... RIP Mitsurugi is right, I mean he had to be killed by Kazuma eventually. But being gut like a strung pig and then stabbed in the throat is not a painless way to go.
Kathadoryan chapter 3 . 6/16
So does Kazuma getin' some mean that no one is messing with him at this point or will it mess him over in thw future?
Update chapter 21 . 6/16
When's the update?
The Jingo chapter 21 . 6/4
Thanks for the read.
The Jingo chapter 10 . 6/4
Blessed Yunyun
A Simple Library chapter 21 . 6/3
Come back! Please. I want more!
Erda.v122 chapter 21 . 5/26
This is the first time I read a story from Konosuba fanfic that start from the prologue and reach the Hydra fight, honestly I'm impressed with your dedication.
Shaedy.Mo chapter 21 . 5/23
I am begging you please update this
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