Reviews for Serenity
MarchesaLace chapter 13 . 3/29
This story is so good! I can't wait until the next chapter. Are they close to figuring it out together?
YaleAceBella12 chapter 13 . 3/12
Please write more.
Cara Q chapter 13 . 3/12
I don't usually read older Dasey, I relate to them in highschool or college, proberly because I'm going to be a senior ths coming September and get to start looking at colleges next year. But I started reading this and couldn't stop, I love Marti playing matchmaker and Derek's fear of rushing in too soon. Serenity is adorable, I'm hoping Dasey's parents take her for a weekend so Dasey have no buffer, maybe one of them will finally break.
Love, Love, Love.
MilesAndMilesToGo chapter 13 . 3/11
Ha, I love that Marti's pushing Derek to tell Casey how he feels. Your last line was a shocker, is it true? Or did Marti tell her to say it, Ugh, I know you just posted but can't wait for your next update.
Madaboutyoubaby chapter 13 . 3/11
Teenage Marti schooling Derek on how to woo Casey is adorable. She's right, he needs to step it up already. I love how sweet he's being pitching in to help with chores and Serenity while Casey's busy at her new office, thoughtful Derek is sexy. He needs to let his inner romantic out and do something to make Casey (and me) swoon. Great chapter, thanks for updating.
Tainoth chapter 13 . 3/11
That's just evil! After waiting so long for this one, you end the chapter with that cliffhanger? I'm sort of expecting Derek to slam the breaks after that comment.

Love the story, especially Serenity. I know how hard it can be to get inspired for the next chapter, but as a reader I just want to get more. Now! Keep it up!
DaseyForever chapter 13 . 3/11
WHAT? Ugh, you can't leave it with a last line like that one. Well, obviously you can, but I really wish you hadn't. Casey's told Serenity she loves Derek, that's huge, he better make a move now. Loved it, thanks for updating.
ch-rainlily chapter 13 . 3/11
Oohhh just today I was looking for an update. And here it is! So dang good ! It's one of those stories where you want to know the ending but you do not want it to end. Beautiful.
Madaboutyoubaby chapter 12 . 12/31/2019
You write Dasey's interactions so well, I'm feeling every single lingering look and "accidental" touch between them, your descriptions are beautifully done. I know Casey's afraid of getting her heart broken again but I hope she gives in to her feelings as I believe Derek has never stopped loving her just like Nora told her. I'm so looking forward to them getting together, Serenity will be on cloud nine when they do.
Great chapter. Can't wait for more.
DaseyForever chapter 12 . 12/31/2019
Definitley the latter Case, find out how Derek feels on the matter and give them a chance. I adored the glimpse of what a cute couple Dasey make on their it's not a date, dinner, they were tricked into. Great chapter.
TinkStar87 chapter 11 . 9/26/2019
LOVE IT! You know your in trouble when ALL the kids join! Read ya Later ;)
Oriana Star chapter 11 . 9/21/2019
Beauty story! I love this couple! Continue please!
Jayjayha chapter 11 . 9/17/2019
Ooh is Derek in on this plan? I love it heh or he just figured it out...

Casey really is under the impression he is not in love with her?! Oy
Guest chapter 11 . 9/17/2019
You need to re-read your own chapter. There are copies of two paragraphs
DaseyForever chapter 11 . 9/17/2019
They set Dasey up to see the movie together without them...I love it! Please tell me there will be accidental touches and some not so accidental hand holding. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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