Reviews for Butterfly
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23
Oh my gosh. That was stunning. I love how you explored the impact of Gokus death on Vegeta and Bulma wow
Meghan chapter 1 . 3/29
So, a monarch butterfly impresses the Saiyan Prince with its entrance. Bulma didn't expect this, but finds enlightenment in Vegeta's story of what happened during the Frieza fight and the Cell skirmish.
Meghan chapter 1 . 3/8
So, Vegeta was watching a butterfly come out of its cocoon. He later reveals the changes he went through. Bulma wasn't expecting that, but feels cool with it. It's like waking up to the sunrise, after a bad night. Considering Goku's death by enemy fire at the Cell Games.
Wow chapter 1 . 10/9/2019's really beautiful. Everything, the atmosphere, the scenery,, their interactions, the words, the silences, the touching. I wish i could see this kind of moment in dbz. It really show the depth of their characters, their wounds, their fragility, and help to loving them even more. Since the beginning of the story and through the arcs they all changed, after faced horrible things. I really love the way you're relating this. Very powerful. Thank you!
Kitty in the Box chapter 1 . 9/24/2019
how beautiful and yet so simple. love the honesty of Vegeta here.
Guest11112 chapter 1 . 7/13/2019
That was so beautiful. Thanks for the post
Starfang's Secrets chapter 1 . 6/5/2019
This made me tear up in a good way

FireStorm1991 chapter 1 . 5/19/2019
This was both sweet and sad and a good transition piece for the series. I enjoyed it. Is it a one-shot or multi-chapter fic? Either way works :)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2019
Really beautiful read! I loved the comparisons between nature and Vegeta’s “metamorphosis “ I really enjoyed this one shot
Butane Baby chapter 1 . 5/18/2019
You have such a wonderful eye for detail. Using the butterflies as an allegory for the fragility of life, and how embracing change can alter one's outlook, was magnificent. I also enjoyed how this story left one anticipating Vegeta and Bulma's renewed passion for each other.