Reviews for First plans
DSPallas chapter 4 . 6/14/2019
What a great reading! I love how every piece of Jane's history you've written falls into place to complete the puzzle that his past is. We just had a glimpse of it in the 100th episode, you have beautifuly ans skilfully recreate some missing parts of this inspiring character. Thank you!
Munkeyfump20 chapter 4 . 5/27/2019
Thanks as always for the very good read. I will look forward to the next instalment and link. Thanks again for the read.
MartyMc49 chapter 4 . 5/26/2019
This is a wonderful, simply beautiful explanation of how Jane came to own the Citroen! Exquisite.
FiascoWay chapter 4 . 5/26/2019
What a love letter to Jane's car. It was such a key element of Jane's eccentricity, something beautiful yet out of step with the modern world.

I can see the tragic background to the car's history resonating with Jane, as was the idea of the car having been loved. Jane had precious little love in his life at that moment, maybe he was drawn to something that he could care for without risk of loss.
FiascoWay chapter 3 . 5/26/2019
I liked the little peak into Jane and Zack's carney life. Your dialogue comes across as very authentic and natural which goes very well with this down to earth story of Jane on the start of his road back from the brink.
FiascoWay chapter 2 . 5/26/2019
I've often thought Jane would return to the scene of his loss in order to remind himself of his purpose, as a way or re-energising himself after yet another setback.

It's interesting you touch on freedom as well. There's no doubt the things you care about are chains on your freedom. He love his family and possessions but now they are gone (or he no longer values them) he truly is free. They say there's nothing so dangerous as someone with nothing to lose.
FiascoWay chapter 1 . 5/26/2019
This is a welcome return to your previous story. I can relate to having certain elements of TM stuck one's mind.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/25/2019
This story and Vanishing Ink make a great story that just cries out for another instalment!Any plans for writing one?It's great to see people are still writing about these wonderful characters
Guest chapter 4 . 5/24/2019
Unexpected sweet chapter. Patrick did love that car and this is a beautiful story of how he came to own her and how her beauty helped his slow recovery.

Thinking of the way he touched her (caressed almost) after being bailed out of jail, I guess she was always some sort of comfort to him

I've often wondered if he ever found out what happened to her. (Did he try?)
LouiseKurylo chapter 4 . 5/23/2019
Interesting. Different perspective from other TM fanfics. Nice account of how Jane might have come by the Citroen, even nicer tied to his appreciation of simple moments of beauty. Even Patrick Jane couldn't live for vengeance alone.

I'm not as convinced that this was Jane's first encounter with feeling/doing something decent. (The flashback to his carny days in Throwing Fire shows his receptiveness to doing something good for its own sake - despite his father's counter that "it's show business, not show art." OTOH, it would be almost two decades after that moment - except for time with his family, I imagine.)\

Fresh and welcome. Thanks.
LouiseKurylo chapter 3 . 5/21/2019
Natural and logical. I enjoy the background details you've woven in. The pity would be hard to escape from anyone he knew before his family's slaughter. That nicely fits into his relief that Lisbon eschews pity and calls him on his slovenly disarray when they meet. There are more than a few parallels between Susan and Lisbon in their demeanor. So, Lisbon presents the comforting brisk, take charge attitude, with a bit of mothering but none of the pity. Again, this nicely fits right into canon. (I think you'll tire of this repeated compliment.) Thank you.
LouiseKurylo chapter 2 . 5/21/2019
Fine depiction of Jane's reasoning and state of mind. I particularly like the distinction you made, that his pain differs from devastation and madness. His determination to kill RJ is his animating goal, bad but different from evil. Many of the events in canon derived from his belief that he was not a good man. Nicely lays the foundation for the Patrick Jane of canon.
Rosepeony chapter 3 . 5/21/2019
I've been so impressed by all three chapters. All so in character, so what might have happened, so detailed in everyway that I feel, yes, this must have been what Jane did. I particularly enjoyed his self analysis, part honesty, part self flagellation, part 'this is who I need to be'. Also enjoyed the very subtle shifts in his mood as he did and said what was necessary ... and that moment of looking in the window of the store ... that thing that we all do.

I hope you will turn your talent to a new TM drama when you are done with this.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/21/2019
Oh love your story. It is very well thought out and completely believable. Really, really good.
MartyMc49 chapter 3 . 5/21/2019
It’s a little hard to take - listening in on Patrick’s thoughts. Maybe it is the meds but he is being so cold and calculating, almost mechanical going about his business.
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