Reviews for Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Altered Stardust
JC chapter 6 . 6/20
Great,I Hate All pro-Zeon stories,Why no one call out Zeon,they use a nuke before fed dit,well I hope the Colony drop will failed this time.
Locke Lynx chapter 6 . 3/8
Please continue this. I love Universal Century Gundam and I love what you've done so far.
isoroku chapter 6 . 2/26
good story. I just hope next time Amuro could save his allies and even his enemies. He fought for saving lifes and stopping wars not for surpassing his enemy or shooting lifes out of their bodies. At least let him being successful this time and released his is one my favorite character and even I cried several times when I watch CCA. He always tried to save but always failed and sacrificed himself atat CCA. UC age was too terrible for people to live and was filled with wars. In dark age like UC, people needed some voice from kind of people like him to light up, that was new type for. Glad in your story I can see the hope laid.
If Amuro could stop this war then no more tragedies and he can help more persons and changed more things with admiral Revil and being hero in Stardust maybe would earn him some position to donate his effort and idea to focus on recovering ordinary citizens' life from wars. By the way, wish him had family with Sayla in your story he desired better life.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/27/2019
Good chapter. Is there a reason you skipped the Earth chase and Moon?
Guest chapter 3 . 10/25/2019
I liked how you handled Amuro's Shellshock. More need to do this, when the original Gundam came out and showed what was going through with Amuro it was a landmark
RedRat8 chapter 6 . 10/26/2019
So I just read this from start to finish. While reading this story I was kind of curious over several things. Like have you thought about bringing in Mobile Suits like say the Pale Rider or any of its derivatives? Also which timeline of Gundam are you using? The original TV Series or the Compilation Movies? Because if it's the first one then you should know that M'Quve also broke the Antarctic Treaty since he launched a Nuke during Operation Odessa, and if you include Gundam: War in the Pocket then you should know that Zeon covert ops forces under the command of Zeon commander Killing plan a nuclear strike against the Side 6 colony Libot, where the RX-78NT-1 Gundam "Alex" is under development. Patrolling Federation vessels intercept Killing's forces before the strike can be executed, saving the colony inhabitants. I just have to point this out because I personally find Delaz bloody hypocritical for condemning the Federation for using Nukes when Zeon has done this two times. And it annoys me a lot that nobody seem to bring this up ever. Also have you thought about bringing in the G-Line Full Customs? They're Mobile Suits that have greater Reactor power and armoring compared to the GM Customs and are available during 0083 and are said to equal the power of a Gundam. So if you're thinking of bringing in replacement units, you might want to consider that as well. Also the Netix is officially called the NT-X. Also interesting story so far.
Fireminer chapter 6 . 10/23/2019
I really hope that you will give Amuro an new MS in an upcoming chapter. Perhaps the GP03 or something else, like a Pale Rider?
Fireminer chapter 5 . 10/23/2019
The man-to-man talk between Amuro and Burning is the highlight of this chapter, and I am glad that you handled it well. Keep up the good work!
Without Pity chapter 2 . 10/12/2019
...And this proves my previous point. Setting aside for a moment the ridiculousness of Anavel Gato fighting off Amuro-bleeding-Ray in pretty much any mobile suit with Psycommu weapons, little background for you; Kycilia Zabi murders her brother Gihren at the Battle of A Baoa Qu. Aiguille Delaz, a big fan of Gihren's, took exception, and split. He took with him Anavel Gato, after convincing him (with difficulty) to not basically kamikaze with a revved up Dom. Anavel is a big fan of Delaz for this, and will do probably most anything the old Space Nazi asks of him. Kycilia Zabi IS Zeon, for all intents and purposes. You see the problem? Axis won't even be as neutral as they were originally. Resupply and support? For a splinter faction of Gihren loyalists? Uh-huh. Toss them a mobile armor? Why not? Not like they'll gleefully turn it on Kycilia's Axis forces if they survive. Think about the direction you want to take with this, because the story is getting worse, not better. Don't take this hard, I'd love to see the idea blossom into something. Get a beta reader, take some more time per chapter, maybe. Also... you do know Amuro basically killed Ramba Ral, right? I mean, he was immediately present for the man's suicide. Hearing Amuro paraphrase him is... cringy.
Without Pity chapter 1 . 10/12/2019
So here's the thing; your writing style is okay. Your story arc has some serious problems. There is a lot of stuff going on in the summary, and not really any of it is addressed here. When are we? I read through it twice, and got no indication of what year it is except for the fact that I've seen Stardust Memory. The RX-78NT-1 got cranked out early and didn't get smashed up by a MS-06FZ, and Gundam 0080: War in a Pocket didn't happen? Cool. Amuro got a hold of it in time for A Baoa Qu, eh? Bet that changed a bunch of things. What happened to Char, I wonder. Must be dead or captured. We don't know, though. A Zabi alive in 0083? Whoa, that'll change things, since Aiguille Delaz would rather die in agony than cooperate with the killer of Gihren Zabi. Did the war actually end? Would it cease to be the One Year War? Fair questions, but I have a better one; what has happened in between the summary and the opening chapter of the fic? Because that's going to be a lot of different stuff that went down with the changes you've made to the timeline. Relevant stuff. The sort of thing that might make your little setup for the 0083 incident impossible, realistically speaking. Your story as of your first chapter has holes you could fly a Zanzibar through. Back up and see the big picture.
James1996 chapter 2 . 8/9/2019
Great so far, I look forward to reading more in the future.
Moonreaper666 chapter 2 . 7/29/2019
I call BS on Amuro losing to Gato who isn't a Newtype nor as skilled as Char

Are you even changing history or repeating it?
SentinelPrimeKnightOfCybertron chapter 2 . 5/26/2019
Excellent work so far!
What I really appreciate is that you did the research in picking out appropriate MS for Amuro, Sayla, and Christina.
Thekiller7 chapter 2 . 5/21/2019
Good chapter. I like seeing Amuro's thoughts on the matters going on. Can't wait for he next chapter.

I hope his meeting with Monsha is funny ;)
Thekiller7 chapter 1 . 5/20/2019
Now this is an interesting AU. More so than Amuro meeting Chris, Revil living through the war (and possibly Degwin?) has serious consequences down the line depending on how your story develops. Revil's camp was apparently reform minded at the very least and ran counter to Hymen and his ilk who sought dominion over humanity. Looking forward to how this turns out.

And from what I read this takes place right in 0083, so there has to have been some serious changes.
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