Reviews for The Event that Changed Everything
Kuro-Ookami-Inu chapter 4 . 5/24
oh, if Dumbledore knows what's good for him he better watch out! LMAO, petunia should make a hassle about the twi-wizard torment, she should definitely prank Snape lol
Guest chapter 4 . 4/13
Spero aggiornerai questa storia.
Sea.Catalia chapter 3 . 1/18
Petunia's MAAAAAAD
Sea.Catalia chapter 1 . 1/18
I LIKE IT! There's an explanation that makes sense for Petunia to be magical. IT MAKES SENSE! I just randomly found this XD
JasperK chapter 4 . 12/22/2019
dogbreath potion... i am crying with laughter at the idea.
Calmzone1 chapter 4 . 9/27/2019
Oh my god, Petunia, Harry and the Twins pranking the school!
ClockRose chapter 4 . 6/3/2019
Petunia, when Harry's name is called, make a scene.
notwritten chapter 3 . 5/22/2019
That was good. Have a good day. Keep smiling. :-)
ClockRose chapter 3 . 5/22/2019
Yah! Can't wait till she has Potions.
Miriam1 chapter 3 . 5/21/2019
Interesting. It seems like Petunia might have been motivated by jealousy, with Harry at the start. However, even if she changed her mind, it seems that Vernon would not approve. Dudley was a kid, so blaming him for being mean to Mommy is not a concept I am willing to buy.

Unless, of course, Vernon was so abusive that he turned Dudley into a willing informant. While I might not put it past Vernon, that creates a very different Petunia.

That said, it was interesting that she enjoyed Herbology so very much.

Petunia is rightfully angry with Dumbledore. He can't simply befuddle her like the average student. Adult education is interesting, and creates a very different dynamic in the classroom.

Petunia vs. Severus. I am not sure who I have more sympathy for. I guess that would be determined by which person treats Harry better.

I am curious to see what you do next.

bahnannah chapter 3 . 5/21/2019
Way to go Tuney!

I can’t wait till her class with Snape. Can we say fireworks? Lol
MurderMysteryof1996 chapter 2 . 5/20/2019
so much anticipation, lol I can just imagion it. I just love it! thank you
Miriam1 chapter 2 . 5/20/2019
This is interesting.

I don't know how I feel about the concept. If being a "late bloomer" was a thing, perhaps wizards, as a whole, would be nicer to Muggles.

But your decision is interesting. I look forward to reading your next installment.

MurderMysteryof1996 chapter 1 . 5/19/2019
i just love reading it I do hope you continue