Reviews for Untamable Lioness
loving-reader-and-writer chapter 9 . 4/26
well this was a roller coaster. i didnt expect it to go the way it did. well written if a little fast moving for my tastes.
loving-reader-and-writer chapter 4 . 4/26
i find the weasleys, harry, and Remus very out of character but hermione is very much in character. im stil enjoying the story, just imagining different people after her.
loving-reader-and-writer chapter 1 . 4/26
i love it! that is exactly the explosive reaction that imagine should haappen in a lot of other stories that i read. so satisfying to finally see it written.
Monnbeam chapter 9 . 4/21
I loved the story but I must admit am glad Hermione has her happiness but I am still not sure I feel something else could have happened towards Harry he seems so cold hearted that his friend has died am just so dissapointed in him, anyway enjoyed reading it you did a wonderfull job, maybe you have a second story about what happens in their future :)
Amarylle chapter 9 . 4/18
Okay, so the Order had completely disappointed me, especially Harry, and Remus. I honestly can't believe they expected her to be compliant to a law so ridiculous. I'm absolutely disgusted with them, especially the fact that her supposed friends were also trying to force her. Abysmal.

Anyway, as for this chapter, I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I'm glad that Hermione got her happy ending, I mean, as happy as that can be with a new identity and the need to hide who she really is. But I do understand that she can't continue as Hermione, because that would be dangerous.

Although some of my questions remain unanswered. Is she still magical? If so, how did the Dark magic affect her? Is she Dark? I'm confused. ;v;
Shy911 chapter 9 . 4/17
Yay! She lived! And they had a kid! 3 3
Shy911 chapter 8 . 4/12
Poor Hermione and viktor. :(
Hopefully this wont damage their relationship too much.
Amarylle chapter 8 . 4/12

I'm a bit stunned, I wasn't expecting that, you literally had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through.

So, what's the deal with the Krums?

What kind of magical creatures are they? :o

I'm curious. Also, you corrupted me, I wasn't sure what pairing to write in my current story I'm working on, but it's gotta be Viktor now. I hope you are proud of yourself. :P

I sure am. xD
Amarylle chapter 7 . 4/10
My goodness! I'm so conflicted. On one hand, I'm awed by your evil genius brilliance coming up with this plot, on the other hand I cannot believe how they behave with Hermione.

No wonder she snapped.

I can't wait to read what happens next, I hope that the Krums will keep on supporting her, because it would be so sad to see them turn against her as well, just because she went Dark.

We'll see I guess.

Great job!
Shy911 chapter 7 . 4/10
Oh no! I hope they dont end up having to kill Hermione!
Shy911 chapter 6 . 4/9
Oh sheet. Hes f**ked. Lol. He deserves it though. They all do. Cant wait to read more!
smithback chapter 6 . 3/20
go Hermione!
DOAWOTA chapter 6 . 3/21
Yes kill the brightest witch of her age then you will be left with no brain cells between you.
Monnbeam chapter 6 . 3/21
Interesting chapter I do hope she gets ever one that betrayed her
amandamurphy85 chapter 5 . 1/28
Who is jack? I would have had her floor to the ministry. Or Maybe marry Viktor immediately.
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