Reviews for Black Crystals
Seiyaperez-Kun chapter 1 . 7/12
Hi Bro! I am Seiya and I like your Fic/Story, my country is Venezuela but my english is...mmmm, 25/75!. I Like your story and you ideas for a Kamen riderxSailor Moon. What Actuallize this fic? Because, is very Incredible! please write for a Answord in Wattpad for Talking more proyects, My perfil is: Seiyaperez-kun.
merendinoemiliano chapter 1 . 5/22/2019
I personally hope this isn't one of those stories where most Sailors and/or Mamoru turn evil, because i find them terrible(i'm not exactly a great fan of bashin,but of critical to society yes, if reasonable). Trough if you limit to portray Usagi's ideals into... whatever happened, could be very interesting. But do you know how truly powerful are the Sailors, right? Even the strongest Rider villain pales in comparison