Reviews for Zero no Shalltear (By Espanipon)
enderchem.oss.jr chapter 1 . 6/22
So... will it ever continue?
Lghtfall chapter 1 . 6/22
What is with this cliff hanger. Story is really nice. Please update.
blacksoul123 chapter 1 . 8/9/2019
Damn pretty good story but it looks like it has not have been updated in a while but please continue
Dan Silverjay chapter 1 . 7/21/2019
Ohh, I was expecting more chapters than just one :(

I hope you continue it soon enough, though

JaDe In NighT chapter 1 . 7/3/2019
I hope this won't die , and even get better grammar.
Shalltear and Louise looks great.
The Perfect Getaway chapter 1 . 6/5/2019
It's interesting but I suggest a beta to fix to grammatical and spelling mistakes.

I also suggest to lessen the "fillers". FoZ is an isekai series, so your opening lines are quite pointless. It's like asking us if we believe that charcoal is black.
Loke13 chapter 1 . 6/3/2019
very good
Paxloria chapter 1 . 6/1/2019
It might be good to proof-read & edit, then polish the result while paying close attention to word choice & sentence structure.
gerend chapter 1 . 5/31/2019
Woo! Actually the third Shalltear/Zero fic I've seen, the other 2 didn't get very far so here's hoping this one makes it past the first season!
Kurosu Cross chapter 1 . 5/30/2019
A lot of grammar error and misused words, but its still interesting

Louise's mother have manticore but i will assume that you give her fire dragon to add challenges for Shaltear later

Don't be discouraged by the reviews and improve your grammar
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30/2019
Its not bad but try to find someone to proof read your chapters some sentences made little sense and a lot of wrong words where used
ShadowFictionX chapter 1 . 5/29/2019
Buenas man. Conozco la historia de Zero no Shalltear ya que la lei en espanipon hace tiempo. No leere (todavia) la historia ya que se de que va hasta el capitulo 9. Pero por lo que veo (y sobretodo en los comentarios) no lo has hecho bien.
Seguramente pusiste el Google Traductor encima y publicaste la historia inmediatamente. Lamentablemente, las cosas no funcionan asi. Si se pudiese simplemente traducir un libro entero de español en el traductor google, habrian muchas mas historias en ingles.

Te recomiendo algo: Si vas a traducirla y posteriormente continuarla, busca ayuda para la traduccion. Cualquiera que sepa aunque sea ingles basico.

Tambien puedes mejorar tu gramatica via Tips online o Leer muho en ingles. Aunque mejorar te llevara tiempo, yo llevo meses escribiendo en ingles y mi gramatica no sigue siendo la ideal, pero sin duda vas mejorando despues.

El traductor de google es malisimo, no solo porque arbitrariamente te cambia los "she, he, it", sino que en frases muy largas te jode totalmente. En resumen, Frases largasTraduccion de significa que la herramienta en vez de ayudarte, con solo una palabra cambiada, te jode todo. Hay expresiones en ingles que pueden ir mejor al caso, pero no estan disponibles para ser traducidas al español, debes acostumbrarte a leer en ingles para entenderlas.

Si quieres empezar en el mundo de la traduccion te sugiero que escribas esta historia con palabras basicas, muchas palabras hispanas (sobretodo las que suenan mas complicadas) terminan por traducirse mal y confundiendo al lector.

Guest chapter 1 . 5/29/2019
Okay so it is very obvious that this is a machine translations. I do not know if it is because english is not your first language, but this is completely unreadable. Get a proof reader, preferably someone who is fluent in english.

I know this seems harsh, but I figured you'd rather know what your reader's really feel, rather than some vague flowery answer. Take heart, the fact that a reader is asking you to make the story legible, means they want to read it.
awardedall chapter 1 . 5/29/2019
o cmon do we even need to have a list of the times when Louise screw up with her summon ? by the way your grammar is atrocitus
Lix231 chapter 1 . 5/29/2019
Unfortenley you made many Mistakes. First of all Louise is a Second Year NOT a Third Year. Her Mother Summond a Manticore and not a Firer Dragon. Also you often sy He to Louise instead of She. It is a realey greate idea but all those small things kinda keep it down.
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