Reviews for Obscurum
Facing Fear chapter 14 . 7/29
This ending was well written, well placed, and well done! It fills a gap between the time skip and the declaration of war, while seamlessly interjecting Annie into the plot. It keeps the characters within their personalities along with Eren's new post-basement attitude, while introducing some growth that might seem minute, yet large in terms of the characters.

How and where it ended is very bittersweet, which I think is the only way you can possibly end such a story with some positivity. This has been a joy to read and I thank you for writing AND completing it! Eren/Annie writers are rare, let alone those who update regularly - please stay awesome :D
Facing Fear chapter 13 . 7/29
Don't really have any comments for this chapter other than the lovely banter between the two of them is so in character that it's hard not to smile while reading it.
Facing Fear chapter 12 . 7/29
The conversation where Eren tells Annie she's not weak and that they're all human is something I'd like to happen canonically, haha. Always felt that this chapter felt shorter than all the other ones yet conveyed quite a bit of characterization.
Facing Fear chapter 11 . 7/29
Personally never saw this story as a "love conquers all" type deal, their notions of love is very unhealthy due to a multitude of things, and only felt like physical attachment in the beginning. It's evolved definitely, but not just because of "love", but rather the things happening around them and the evolution of their own relationships with other people.
Facing Fear chapter 10 . 7/29
Eren and Annie's relationship in your story is... interesting to say the least. It did indeed feel claustrophobic in the beginning (of this chapter AND the story in general), but they're making progress in a positive direction. I wouldn't really call it comfort yet, more like respite, as in their realities are crap and they're each other's only solace at the moment, but I can see it becoming comfort (or I did, but let's pretend I don't know the future of the story).
Facing Fear chapter 9 . 7/29
Hah, finally found the motivation to reset my password and log in. Been keeping up and reading your stories as you post but haven't been leaving any reviews because I couldn't be bothered, however that's doing you a disservice, considering how great writing should be recognized. I must say your depiction of Annie and her father's relationship is very painful to read, but only because of how -real- it can feel, and that's thanks to your writing.
Kirychan1226 chapter 14 . 7/27
Toxic Emily chapter 14 . 7/13
I love the ending! Simple and peaceful and oh so full of love.
Congratulations Lucadina! Great job! Thank you too for giving us a story not just to entertain us but this story made us (me) ponder and think too.
Forevershine chapter 14 . 6/21
It brings me great sadness and with bittersweet honesty to announce that now, with the completion of this story, I have removed Obscurum from my following list for alerts. It has been an absolute delight - a gift, even - to have been able to read this. I cannot express how much of a brilliant writer you are to have written this story that’s ladled with so much emotion that can break a reader, phrasing and diction that urges a person to pause and contemplate the multiple meanings of such a line, topics that call for deep analysis and understanding, and such a genuine portrayal of characters who are not of your own that leaves me in awe of what you’re able to do.

It’s always the same thing - it’s redundant now - but it’s still true nonetheless: for what it’s worth, I wholeheartedly believe that you are one of the most talented writers this fandom has to offer.

Obscurum has been an undoubtedly wild ride, one where I always find myself getting giddy and excited to start, but then end the chapter with a whirlwind of emotions. To me, Obscurum wasn’t just a simple well-written story, rather, it’s crowning achievement was that it was an experience. An experience that not only I, but others and future readers appreciate for existing.

So with that, I thank you so much for having spent the time and energy required to make Obscurum as amazing as it is. There’s nothing else to be said anymore, and so with that, I end this with a much deserved round of applause for both you and Obscurum.

Thank you.


lol “There’s nothing else to be said anymore” SIKE, GURL THAT WAS MY EULOGY, NOW ON TO MY REVIEW XD

Wow, the final chapter. We finally made it to the end, aint that a kick to the heart. :’ ) And speaking of kicks to the heart, goddamn, Annie really just can’t win, can she? T_T My girl really goin through some shit even in the LAST chapter. Like, wow. When you told me that you couldn’t bring yourself to break them off for the end on discord, girl, this was not what I was expecting. I knew not to expect a happily-ever-after ending, bc after all that you’ve built, a cliche ending is a far cry from what would fit in with all that came before it. But damn ._. fuckin threw me for one final loop, I see. Idk of you’ve realized, but you basically just pulled a “yes, but no” card on me- shit, ESPECIALLY WITH THAT TITLE.

When I went into it, I was like, “Ohhhhhhh no, that title DEFINITELY means she boutta pull some shit on us before they get married. .” So when Annie’s dad basically broke her, I figured, “Welp, well there you go, there’s the punch.” BUT THEN YOU THREW IN A KICK AS WELL AND ASDFGHJKL THEY REALLY JUST CAN’T FUCKING WIN.

I gotta say, that must’ve taken some guts to end it like that. I for one, do actually like the ending. It fits perfectly and anything else happier honestly would’ve been a dream that DOES warm the heart, but ultimately just doesn’t fit. It wouldn’t feel right as much as it feels better.

Bittersweet it is. At least Eren and Annie can be happy that they do love each other. What Eren said was right. Definitely bullshit lol but not wrong. It was his last attempt at trying to make it as best as he could, and he did. Just like their relationship.

And so, that’s it. There’s nothing else left to say anymore for real this time. It’s been a complete pleasure reading this, really. Thank you for all that you’ve put into this story. Your time, energy, work, contemplation, and all the rest is greatly appreciated.

And as for me, sis, I’ve been typing this shit for way too long. It’s been like what? Around three hours since I first started T_T WHEW, childeeee thank god I’m done.
Ashora chapter 14 . 6/17
Paramyth chapter 14 . 6/16
Also, i think you need to mark this story as completed. This way, the readers who only want to read a completed stories would more likely to read this. Good luck, Luca!
Paramyth chapter 14 . 6/16
This story is gold. The ending, i can't say i love it THAT much. But in fact, i love how you left it like this, at this part, at this time. You cut the story here, you don't spoil the readers with either happy/sad ending. You just let us play with our imagination about the rest of the story. What you highlighted is the most important vision of this story: that Eren and Annie finally admits that they love each other. And they enjoyed the warm final days together. Not too happy for the readers who want a cliched happy ending, but also not too sad for the readers who want it bitter.

I don't like it when readers have this mindset of 'everything needs to be final', like this character's parents need to be revealed, or the revenge needs to be solved, and so on, and so on. In reality, not everyone wants to know who the their biological parents are, and not every revenge is solved. So yes, again, glad you don't wrap everything. It's too much work to be done, dear.

Y know, i've prepared myself for a cold ending where like... Eren leaves Annie without a trace. I'm glad you don't choose that path, dear lord, thank lord. I know i say way too much thank you for you in other chapters but this time, luca, i would like to say a big, big, big thank you. This story makes my quarantine days memorable. I can't wait for your other masterpiece, fanfiction or your own novel. And oh yes, if there is like annual fanfiction award, i would not hesitant to vote for you. Just let me know if you participate!
Raven Mordrake chapter 14 . 6/16
I'm very curious about how Annie would react to Eren's attack at the festival and how she would alter the canon as a parent.
belladama chapter 14 . 6/16
sad...thank you for finishing :)
Villu chapter 14 . 6/16
What a great read this has been. I've been following this story since Chapter 1 and am feeling sad that this experience has come to an end. I found this to be a unique take on Eren and Annie's relationship and the character sketches, dynamics and their respective developments were spot on. I think I have not seen a story that deals with Annie's interactions with her father post the time skip. Canonically, we have no idea regarding her true feelings about her father, but you have managed to bring about your own realistic portrayal of it.

Your writing and command over the language is commendable. I would say that your story is near perfect and my most favourite parts are the chapters before the Marley arrival. A bit of fine-tuning and polishing are required, as I felt (personally that is) at certain instances that you were trying too hard and that certain aspects could have been executed better. Criticisms aside, I thank you for devoting your time to writing this amazing work and it has been a pleasure as a reader to experience it.
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